Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wakeboard Winch Blueprint

Virtus Lecco - Aurora e Virtus Lecco - Bormiese

Come ben sapete, parlare prima di un match porta sempre poco bene, quindi non dirò nulla e commenteremo entrambi i match da giovedi mattina.

Notte virtus!

Classifiche aggiornate!

+4 Buts (allenamento sabato sera, bere e cibo)
+1 Tiepolo per tunnel disarmanti
+1 Cuchu per averlo trovato venerdi sera a caso al CIRCOLO DEL LIBERO PENSIERO e ha voluto lezioni private di ballo, accennando diversi passi-base di dancehall! MI-TI-CO-Leopardo!

STATUETTE: Maz and needle

updated two games.

PPS: no-16gg to return home to Luis!

Investment Policy Questionnaire

Alfredo Pirri

March 17, 2011
FROM the early morning hours

AT STATE Liceo Torquato Tasso Via Sicilia, 168-00187 ROMA



for information about the visit laterza www.italiaunitascuola.it / program / roma

Los Hombres De Paco 2010

Autoritratto pranico

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kodachi Sword Cold Steel

Invito all’opera
presentato da
Achille Bonito Oliva

Inaugurazione del nuovo spazio
Il Ponte Contemporanea


I never saw a girl smile in Morocco
Urs Luthi

Daily music
H. H. Lim
Presentato con la collaborazione di RAM Radioartemobile

Just sit
Sergio Picciaredda

Giovedì 24 marzo
dalle 18.30
Via Giovanni di Castel Bolognese, 81 - Roma


Friday, March 4, 2011

Dragon Ball Ots Z Expem X999

Delebio - Virtus Lecco

What you do not want at all costs, it is difficult to get into the second category group ics.
Important falls for a trip that has not even easy to predict climate. We have entered the full half of the season, 10 games finished, the first taste of sweet cakes and biscuits arbitrage for those who have suffered most of the other cold. Virtus arriva a questo vero e proprio giro di boa con punti in cascina che le consentono di guardare più avanti che indietro, ma ancora non per molto.
Vittoria scaccia-crisi? Forse troppo forte come definizione, certo è che per prendere il secondo treno della seconda categoria occorrono almeno 9p.ti nelle prossime 3 partite, rispetto ai 4 punti delle precedenti tre.

Go Virtus! Mola mia!

PS: niente culi prima del match che vi taglian le gambe e portano il culo agli avversari.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Aquiriom How To Get Pearls

Da Uno a Molti, 1956-1974

(From One to Many, 1956-1974

MAXXI - 4 marzo 2011 - 15 agosto 2011

in collaborazione con Philadelphia Museum of Art
a cura di Carlos Basualdo

Il MAXXI rafforza la sua vocazione internazionale grazie alla profonda sinergia con il Philadelphia Museum of Art, una tra le maggiori istituzioni museali americane, e porta in America's most important exhibition dedicated to Michelangelo Pistoletto, recognized in Europe as one of the greatest living artists in the United States and considered a significant precursor of contemporary artistic practices of participation.

The exhibition will feature over 100 works from private collections, both American and European.

Reflecting on the transition from the early portraits of the mid-fifties to the collective actions of the late Sixties and early Seventies, the public can follow the path of artistic Pistoletto, the rigorous survey on the representation di se stesso fino allo sviluppo delle collaborazioni creative che hanno caratterizzato la sua ricerca.
La mostra ospiterà anche una sezione sui Plexiglas, lavori che a partire dal 1964 hanno anticipato il Concettuale, e una sezione sugli Stracci, sculture che, concepite tra la fine degli anni Sessanta e l’inizio dei Settanta, sono testimonianza della ricerca legata all’Arte Povera. Inoltre, una selezione di video e materiali d’archivio documenterà i lavori performativi che l’artista ha prodotto con il gruppo Zoo fra il 1968 e il 1970.

Insieme a una ampia presentazione dei Quadri Specchianti del periodo 1962-1974, parte essenziale del percorso di mostra sarà costituita dagli Oggetti in meno, gruppo di vari oggetti del biennio 1965-1966 dove l’estetica della serialità del Minimalismo è volutamente contestata enfatizzando le differenze fra ogni oggetto e traendo ispirazione in campi differenti come l’artigianato, l’architettura, il design e la cultura popolare.

La mostra ospiterà, infine, uno spazio laboratoriale dedicato a Cittadellarte, progetto che vede l’artista impegnato dal 1998 e che prosegue la sua ricerca di “democratizzazione dell’arte” iniziata negli anni Sessanta. In questa sezione il pubblico, con una modalità fortemente interattiva, avrà la opportunity to learn about the latest social engagements that have involved and involving the artist, becoming part of the work and finding the ontological unity of experience which was reflected in the "mirrors". In this section, shall be bound a series of workshops, meetings and workshops.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dish 222 External Hard Drive

Virtus Lecco - Libertas Berbenno

Ricapitolando la situazione globale del nostro girone, dove nulla è scontato e nulla è sicuro, si legge una Virtus Lecco quinta a -8 p.ti dalla seconda in classifica, +18 dalla quintultima e a +12 p.ti per mantenere il distacco dalla penultima (no playout) e non tornare in terza "freschi freschi" al primo anno. In un girone dove tutto può succedere, l'arbitraggio di domenica credo sia solo il primo esempio da qui alla fine, c'è da guardare tutto ciò che la matematica consente ancora di calcolare.
La giornata è importante, come tutte le rimanenti, non vi sono particolari sconti diretti sopra di noi, ma non credo (e spero) che tutte mantengano un ritmo da fuoriserie, quindi è importante non sbagliare quando noi giochiamo in casa e in differita (ottimo il posticipo sign for the match) and the rivals are engaged in penta-Delebio-bormio and Dervishes in the house in the Aurora area playout.
Giochiamoci our league for 3p.ti which bring us closer to the "door" .. and then we'll see.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Male Body Waxing In Pgh Pa


Liber amicorum



26 February to 29 April 2011

RAM radioartemobile

Text di Bruno Racine

Il Liber amicorum, così come è intitolato il testo di Bruno Racine scritto per la 14a edizione di CAMERE, sembra essere una pagina di natura privata. Si leggono i nomi di Gino De Dominicis, Joseph Kosuth e Ettore Spalletti, artisti della scena internazionale, che pur non provenendo da una comune corrente, fin dagli anni ’70 sono stati legati da una profonda amicizia.

Gino De Dominicis offrirà la sua “muta vicinanza” con una delle sculture, presentate nel 1979 presso la Galleria Pieroni nella mostra (11 Statue) in movimento. La statua in questione comes to life through the development posing a straw hat in the air as if levitated and a pair of straw slippers also, to emphasize the lightness and transparency of a material nature, the traditional sculpture, however, has.

will present two works by Joseph Kosuth. The first work on glass in 2006, is based on the construction of a paradox in the repetition and consists of two paragraphs, one becomes a reflection on the other.

The second work, in warm white neon light in 2009, is constructed from a fragment of the novel by James Joyce, Finnegan's Wake.

Ettore Spalletti, in the third chamber, ripropone un’opera del 1979 esposta nella Galleria Pieroni di Roma. Con la Colonna, l’artista esprime un pensiero di circolarità e di smaterializzazione. A circondarla i primi lavori d’impasto di colore su tela dell’artista (1974-1975), totalmente inediti.
Si ringrazia per la collaborazione la Galleria Lia Rumma

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mount Blade Generator

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air

thank the 17 (+2 forum) teammates that I have never laughed at the nickname given in the key Milo2008. I have always supported and believed in me. It was seen immediately believe it. Thanks. Thanks also to those who have always supported Faboloso as the sole and undisputed batsman of punishment, thanks to two of his "improvisation" in the punishment-schema with people lined up, thanks for having hit the door again as only he can do .. and thanks for leaving the punishment of a goal to SuperMinkia.
A final thanks goes to the warm public still supports us and that he cried out, especially the ending: "uh uh uh uh uh uh uhn another goal .... make us a force virtus Goooal!"

Irony aside, hoping that someone will brake sooner or later, the point that we brought home is not so bad, a totally different opponent swept outward for 94 minutes, hoping the bank fortuitous (which came). Twelve low 11 players against us Virtuosi. I saw a unit and a group which has withstood the strong attacks of their attacker, Mr.Orange, and keeping the reins has repeatedly tried the same, and a little timidly, in the final victory.

The group has seen a lot and I liked it.

turn the page and prepare for the next battle.

Only two videos in this post: the first one who wants to remember that Brigo Thursday went away singing "Willy superfiko of Bel Air", also known as The Fresh Prince of Bel Air (my favorite show). The second is a tribute to the group.

+1 Dex
+0,5 SuperMinkia

per il malus non ricordo chi doveva essere in chiusura centrale sul tiratore, era forse un centrocampista? (MAZZE che ne dici?)

+2 Arge, SuperMinkia per cibo+Alcool
+3 Espo per cori razzisti
-2 Espo per reazione a fallo subito
-2 Espo per aver colpito Arge invece di un avversario
+1 Espo per aver azzeccato il goal di Arge 2domeniche fa
+1 Tifoso misterioso che gridava e si nascondeva dal ripostiglio del campo
+1 Tifoso ultrà Talamona che grida "Quadrupede" a Espo x insultarlo
+1 Viking per il numero alla ronaldinho (2domeniche fa)
+1 Viking per aver announced in the fray to assist my goal (to predict the outcome of the match)

remember that you must pay a couple of beers to the winners of Thursday's "Cross or beer."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cross Country Women's 5k Average

Talamonese - Virtus Lecco

that mole in the last column of games played to avenge.
Those two games that could make us less further down the rankings.
regret That we want to explode into something concrete.
The goal is to Talamonese, the result is one and the energies are all to be channeled into one of the toughest traferte the group.

Virtus go and honor your name.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sayings To Write On Tombstone For Halloween

Carla Accardi
Valentino Zeichen

letture e assaggi sonori

domenica 20 febbraio 2011

Museo Carlo Bilotti
all'Aranciera di Villa Borghese - h 11:30

Ad una settimana dalla chiusura della mostra curata da Pier Paolo Pancotto Carla Accardi. Spazio, ritmo e colore ” allestita fino al 27 febbraio 2011 al Museo Carlo Bilotti all'Aranciera di Villa Borghese, un appuntamento speciale dedicato all’amicizia più che ventennale tra lo scrittore e poeta Valentino Zeichen e l’artista Carla Accardi .

Alla base del legame tra i due, una stima reciproca che si è consolidata over time thanks to the choice of Carla Accardi often use verses of the poet as the titles of his works. Over the years the relationship has been enriched by many contributions, as in Harmony, a book edited by Arnoldo Mondadori Moscow and RAM radioartemobile for the series "The Arts. The idea of \u200b\u200ba special artist's book is to unite people of Italian excellence in the arts, music and literature in a valuable book, made with traditional techniques.

Here the poet wonders Valentino Zeichen harmony relationship between creation, art and nature through the metaphor of Noah's Ark, composed not only colorful bestiary by all the great specimens of animal, but also by "parasites, microorganisms, insects, bacteria, viruses, those that abstract art of the incredible wonders of the next thousand years" would have been able to transform into ghosts paintings in the world. " Like the works of Carla Accardi, arcade rebel "as defined by Zeichen, wandering explorer of cosmic harmonies hidden in the sign and color in the visible and invisible spaces unfathomable.

And finally, the harmonies are still conducting the sound thinking of the composer and musicologist Riccardo Giagni. Through text and music Tetractys Talin, the author investigates il delicato rapporto dei contrari, dei suoni e delle pause, del tempo verticale e orizzontale, nell’infinito universo musicale.

Per questa speciale occasione, Valentino Zeichen leggerà Come il genio equanime di Noè salvò dall'estinzione gli stili del Naturalismo e dell'Astrattismo, dal volume Armonie e da Villa Borghese (edito dalla Fandango nel 2007).
Il compositore Riccardo Giagni interverrà con la lettura del suo testo Tetractys e assaggi sonori della sua composizione Talin.

Valentino Zeichen è nato a Fiume nel 1938, vive a Roma. Scrittore e poeta, ha pubblicato con le più grandi case editrici Italian.

Riccardo Giagni was born in Rome in 1956, where he lives. His collaborations range from the field of music as a producer, arranger and writer.

Sunday, February 20, 2011 11:30
Rome, Museo Carlo Bilotti all'Aranciera of Villa Borghese
www.museocarlobilotti.it, www.museiincomune.it, www.zetema.it

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bsketball Warm Up Songs

Dan Perjovschi


On large walls of the hall, the new Enel by Romanian artist Dan Perjovschi: an ironic and poignant that reflects contemporary fresco through the endless contradictions of today's freedom of speech and sign.
Perjovschi will be the first artist to work directly on the skin of the new macro, while visitors can watch its creation in "real time" through a performance of a few days (5 to 16 febbraio) e interamente visibile dal pubblico, Perjovschi darà vita a una grande opera satirica, animata da epigrammi e disegni paradossali.
5 Febbraio - 12 Giugno 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cover Ugly Pipes Under Bathroom Sink

Divorzio all'italiana

There is nothing to say, this is clear. Officially, the "post" had not yet been written to give ideas time to settle and the parties concerned to explain to each other and with others. Not having been a person I have heard all the bells and honestly did not think it could go that far, do not think that the "time" (or so it was) had in fact occurred. It is indeed the case for those who ask of us can cast the first stone. In any case it is really unpleasant to spend a week in football this way when 7 days ago, everything seemed just one project, and one goal, not to mention the group. I do not want to reopen talks, as I said at the beginning, and it is true that age and being all responsible for our actions, as well as professional football players (in the bottom of the second category I think it is) we must move forward, we must "turn the page" and shall we lose a player (a greeting Cecco) and what we all considered "a man more" when it was there.
The error is all the mistake and the consequences too. Unfortunately you can not go back and feel much the lack of: grades, report cards, fact sheets, commentaries, monologues, and whatever else ci distraeva dal match, dalla classifica e faceva gruppo.

Non vorrei star qui a scrivere tutta notte, perchè comunque domani si gioca.
Ho soltanto un desiderio da esprimere:
- Chiedo a tutti voi di parlare ora se qualcosa o qualcuno non vi va bene;
- Chiedo alla dirigenza di non mandare più un messaggio del genere;

Non vorrei farmi idee, progetti e piani con un gruppo ad agosto e ritrovarmi senza dei pezzi a giugno per motivi che reputo non gravi come le conseguenze ottenute.

In fondo è solo un blog, in fondo non so neanche se è quello ufficiale, direi piuttosto a "support" to the team, after all we are people and we can argue and vent a bit ... I wanted to write, otherwise I would not have been mentally tomorrow.
Updating the charts, even if the whole thing a bit discouraged me in this too.

A hug and good luck Mods.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Level E Unit 4-6 Review

Sono siChiuro che dobbiamo svernare

The usual weekly appointment hornet's nest (remember to be pleasant or not?) Wants to draw attention to the coldness, not skirts, team, expressed Sunday field. The result 1-0, 3 points, little risk but also a few emotions. In the days of the blackbird is difficult to propose remuntada strong emotions as a respectable, which usually offer in May when the flowers bloom and the females lay bare bodies pale and Lombard. However, if we think the match is difficult to identify a man of the match as it comes hard to find someone who has the wrong game: the first time slow and cold, then a bit of motion that does not make us bad and we carry several times in front of goal and different circumstances, we have created shots from the outside corner, triangular and even directly pointed to the man ... everything short of what the coach asked this week, has been given. Ah well, life has never been rightly called "pull-door," look for the goal "," be Cynics in the door ... so: MISTER ASKS VIRTUS obey.

wrong too many times against Chiavenna are harmless and do not remember them, looking at the charts it is difficult to take this average shots on goal / goals against teams also Cosio as showing a ZERO under defeats and a goal you're heading suffered.

Another point of discussion (you know that this week's speech is a pleasure to freewheel) in the opinion of your blogger -man is unknown: we can run like crazy for 98 'against Chiavenna when hypothetically with a 2-0 win in 45 bar 60 minutes, you could have the determination and energy forces admonitions?! Non sempre si deve prendere alla lettera "è una battaglia dal primo al novantacinquesimo".

Lottiamo ancora per prenderci punti in questa era glaciale del campionato.

Altro che Genzo è forte come punta, guardate Marta:

Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Catch A Shiny Pokemon Heart Gold

Catania, Fondazione Puglisi Cosentino.

From 6 February to 12 June 2011

Alfio Puglisi Cosentino The Foundation has created the Palazzo Valle, in the heart of Catania, proposes, from 6 February to 12 June 2011, a major exhibition curated by Luca Carla Accardi Massimo Barbero.Sarà absolutely unrepeatable exhibition: the artist, in fact, it is doubly protagonist with his works but also with his personal interpretation of the architecture and spaces of the historic building, a masterpiece of Vaccarini, for which he has specially made a job that will be exposed in the last room and alternative routes, large ceramic permanent work for the courtyard. A major exhibition-installation, so. Along this path through il Palazzo, si intrecceranno e susseguiranno in un ordine ideale i suoi primi lavori sul dialogo tra spazio, segno e colore, sino alle sperimentali superfici trasparenti di sicofoil, su cui dipinge, e alle articolate installazioni di grande dimensione. Carla Accardi (Trapani, 1924) vive e lavora a Roma dal 1946. Ha partecipato al gruppo romano Forma dal 1947 ed è considerata uno tra i protagonisti dell'arte astratta italiana dal secondo dopoguerra: dal 1948 ha partecipato in più occasioni alla Biennale di Venezia. Il suo lavoro si fonda sulla feconda interazione tra segno, superficie, luce e colore, che si dirama in realizzazioni che spaziano dal dipinto all'installazione. Le prime sale della mostra saranno dedicate alle articolazioni di quelli che possono essere definiti i "segni cromatici" della Accardi, che iniziano a proliferare sulle tele dei primi anni Cinquanta in configurazioni libere e distese, per poi assumere alla metà del decennio la caratteristica bicromia del positivo / negativo, che determina la superficie tra bianco e nero. Un intenzionale scarto cronologico, nella medesima sala, mette in relazione questi lavori con l'installazione Casa Labirinto del 1999-2000, opera percorribile in cui il plexiglas è attraversato da segni grigi e neri, proponendo un confronto diretto tra le diramate stagioni espressive di Accardi. Dopo una sala dedicata alla serie delle opere a sviluppo centrico, denominate "tondi" o "cervelli", la mostra concentrerà la propria attenzione sulla strutturazione sign in grids and regular rhythm, and today you can read the color is extraordinary relevance and language. For these reasons, the exhibition explores in a new way as never before and the physicality of the dialogue between sign and transparency in the work of Accardi: it focuses in particular on the works carried out on sicofoil, ranging from works on square or rectangular frame, references to the installed shaped frames, the actual achievements in key environmental impacts beyond the painting. To underline this tension environment of the work of Accardi, the entire route of the exhibition is conceived as a location in the building that communicates with the physicality of its halls, including works Recent and produced for the occasion, as the vast area of \u200b\u200bceramics designed for her yard. The route of exposure will also be dotted with facilities located in relation to the architecture and works on the walls, such as Rolls (1965-69), Cilindrocono (1972), Screens (1972), the series of cones tiled (2004), are divided in vain (2006).

Upstairs, the exhibition presents a special hall dedicated to large works painted by the artist to his own room at the Venice Biennale in 1988, culminating with Tile Floor (2007), great work that makes the merger Architectural and sign: tile floor tile, painting, con segni alternati di colore verde e cobalto su sfondo bianco, che intende anche rimandare a un forte legame con la tradizione creativa delle arti applicate in Sicilia ed è stata realizzata a quattro mani con Gianna Nannini, che ha concepito per essa un suo brano come specifica presenza sonora parallela a quella visiva.

La mostra realizzata in collaborazione con lo Studio Accardi, sede dell'archivio dell'artista, RAM radio arte mobile di Roma, sua principale galleria di riferimento e ZERYNTHIA Associazione per l'Arte Contemporanea, è il primo grande evento espositivo dell'artista in Italia dopo la serie di significative mostre internazionali che le sono state dedicate, come quella al Centro Cultural Recoleta di Buenos Aires.
It will also be important to the public the opportunity to present new book Germano Celant "Carla Accardi. The life of forms", to be published, bringing together works from 1996 to 2009, with integration of the general catalog, through the unpublished 1946 to 1995.
During the exhibition, a monograph will be published in color by Luca Massimo Barbero, published by Silvana Editoriale, through a rich iconographic woven unpublished essays and a selection of documentary materials, intends to propose a course of focused reading work of Accardi, dedicated to the relationship between sign and transparency.

"Mark and Carla Accardi transparency
Catania, Puglisi Cosentino
Foundation (Palazzo Valle, Via Vittorio Emanuele 122)
6 February to 12 June 2011.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Discontinued Dc Trainers

Virtus Lecco - Chiavennese

Di che Past(ier)a siamo fatti?
Il gruppo c'è, Espo si è reintegrando abbuffando la squadra di cibo e birre, Viking ha portato anche del limoncello autoprodotto e Cecco è riuscito a finire l'allenamento seppur i bitter came into the slip on the fragile ankles. Cap has returned to lead the heating and Vicari back home short but intense. In short, everything ready for the match tomorrow.

where even the cu .. luck can make a difference, and also the diversion cerchiamoci winner.

Updates MAGIC:
+2 x Espo food and drink
+1 Viking limoncello
x +1 Cecco bitter built
+1 Pantera to be on

piece in particular was the scene:
Espo, "which in the end not even remember why the -1000"
Pantera (from the bottom of the row in heat race): "because she wanted to take at Christmas, that fool oh!"

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Parazzi's Favorite Lenses

10 ragazzi per me posson bastare

I saw a man who was dying of ball
I saw another one that most 'Colombo has not.
no panther ever
you can 'strike more'
a great love that grabs my heart.
Ten guys enough for me
ten guys to want to forget me

If we want to give a tune in this Sunday's brutal and repeat Virtus to the world that never leaves you alone to freeze in the cold season, but there has always been emotional and remuntade. Applause and turn the page.

The TO BE is so much wanted to come, hoping to keep it between our quality, launch a new provocation to the lions.

Ten boys Possoni enough? Or maybe that's all crazy because they do not know ..
That the Columbus brothers had to do next Sunday (discounted), which Espo's ass, too. Naively warn you, a sign of growing infinitesimal upward.
Applause from the audience, who always supports the Virtus, especially to our Uncle Aliprando Sirag that after the film was able to go to see

fans packed crackers and terroncelli everywhere Sacco (+ Tino Valse), Oceana, Brigo (well that is not entirely terroncello but how many firecrackers and smoke bombs fired ) fam.Esposto.
For those who are undecided on the phrase that the number 5 at the Sorrento Theron I leave the options:
1. Really cool that you Espo;
2. It's about time someone scored on a free kick;
3. But now, as usual, do not spend it all (did so);
4. Espo and I of punishment is better that we do not discuss;

to summarize the scores of FVL and Magic is now starting to tickle the palate.
+1 Espo, Viking, SuperM
+0.5 Mazzei, Viking
-0.5 -1 Espo
+5 Maffo for technical specifications;
Espo -1 to 360 ° exultation benches with a dedication to the game already started;
+1 Brigo to re-stage after months of inaction;
-2 accounts for hypothetical goal game at 2-3 Dervio returned to Pol2001;
+2 SuperM for cibaria;

Wear For Ice Skating Date


27/31 January

HALL 15 - STAND C 39
Michelangelo Pistoletto
Maurizio Savini
Vettor Pisani
Rainer Ganahl

inoltre ci sarà :

Fifty-fifty: metà per le automobili, metà per le biciclette

un incontro presso Artefiera Bologna 2011
per lanciare il manifesto pro-bici di RAINER GANAHL

Art Talks c/o Hall 18
venerdì 28 gennaio ore 17.30

Organized by Fondazione Marino Golinelli, RAM radioartemobile
Bologna, Rome

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Phrase For Wedding Card

Pol 2001 - Virtus Lecco

first day back: DERBY!
This is one of the best ways to remind us that mid-season has gone and the other half is yet to be told, we start to say something positive in the first major meet of the season.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Make Fake Chicken Pox

Compagni DI Viaggio
(Traveling Companions )
City Gallery Ljubljana
01/20/2011 - 6 .3.2011

RADIO AS AN ARTS SPACE – radioCona STATION ZONE : broadcast 09
19th (wed) till 23th (sunday) January, 2011 , between 4pm and 11pm on 88.8MHz (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and on the live stream – link and program schedule will be provided from radioCona RAM Live (Roma, Italia).
web site. The whole programe will be simultaneously re-broadcasted on the internet art radio

RADIO AS AN ARTS SPACE – STATION ZONE – curated by Irena Pivka, Ilari Valbonesi, Brane Zorman – will act as a sound art platform, intersecting selected archives from Rome and Ljubljana broadcasting sound art productions, texts and interviews from radioCona, Radio Študent, Maurizio Nannucci, SoundArtMuseum, RAM, MGLC, ŠKUC, Galerija P74, artists archives ZVO.ČI.TI (So.und.ing ) project. and

The project is curated by Irena Pivka, Ilari Valbonesi in Brane Zorman.

Program radioCona RADIO AS AN ARTS SPACE - STATION ZONE is a part of a Compagni DI VIAGGO exhibition, curated by Alenka Gregoric, City Gallery Ljubljana, Slovenia


Produced by - radioCona / ZONE
partners of the project: City Gallery Ljubljana, Zerynthia / RAM Live New Radio Belgrade
project AS AN ART RADIO SPACE is cofinanced by European Cultural Foundation ECF (BIFC)
project is cofinanced by radioCona Ministry of Culture of the R
epublic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana


Compagni di viaggio / Traveling Companions

Consisting of several segments, this exhibition provides a multilayered view of the artistic production of the featured artists and the role, or perhaps simply a visual reflection, of their friendship with the two key protagonists, Dora Stiefelmeier and Mario Pieroni, whose archives, collection of artworks, and current projects are put on view. The process of the selection for and the staging of the exhibition were guided by the predominant idea of showing Stiefelmeier and Pieroni’s participation in the production of artworks, their work on exhibitions, and, last but not least, their informal and congenial assoc iations with numerous prominent figures both on the Italian and international art scenes. Hence the title of the show Compagni di viaggio / Traveling Companions , which presents, by way of a variety of artworks, audio archives, videos, postcards, letters, poems, and documentary photographs, the many years of their active cooperation and friendship.The drawings, sculptures, postcards, letters, and artist’s books with inscribed dedications displayed on the first floor bear witness to the lively activities of the Pieroni Gallery in the 1970s and 1980s, of the non-profit organization Zerynthia established in the early 1990s, and of radio RAMradioartemobile. This collection had grown out of the decades of close contacts between Stiefelmeier and Pieroni, on the one hand, and artists and other figures on the international art scene, on the other. Both the selection of works and documents and the design of their display are the work of the Irwin group, who have used the material to produce a distinct view, interpreting and translating into exhibition format the story of professional and friendly links between people of different generations and styles of expression. Most artists are presented with a single artwork, or even only with a postcard they sent on some occasion or other (intervening in the given visual image, putting their thoughts in writing, in the intervention, or in the choice of motif), with a taped video work they made, having b een unable to meet in person, or even an intervention in Stiefelmeier and Pieroni’s home or gallery. This provides visitors with an opportunity to see a great deal of documentary material and artworks, which in their diverse ways reflect the cordial links between, as well as some quite intimate details in the lives of, Stiefelmeier, Pieroni, and the artists.The last decade of their active participation and creative zeal is represented by three works: RAM live, SAM SoundArtMuseum (an installation by Getulio Alviani and Pietro Grossi), and the current project Il Treno www.radioartemobile.it since 2001 and collecting such audio material as sound artworks, interviews, dialogues and other related materials. (The Train). In collaboration with RAM live – an Internet radio station broadcasting from RADIO AS AN ARTS SPACE – STATION ZONE - curated by Irena Pivka, Ilari Valbonesi, Brane Zorman - will act as a sound art platform, intersecting selected archives from Rome and Ljubljana, broadcasting sound art productions, texts and interviews from radioCona, Radio Študent, Maurizio Nannucci, SoundArtMuseum, RAM, MGLC, ŠKUC, Galerija P74, artists archives and ZVO.CI.TI (So.und.ing) project.

For the first few days of the broadcasting, radioCona will have its studio on the ground floor of the gallery, broadcasting live a program on 88.8MHz and on www.cona.si/

radio in collaboration with RAM radioartemobile www.radioartemobile.it that will include, in addition to the selected audio works and sound art projects, interviews, talks, and other content.

The current projects are exhibited on the second floor: a number of sound works; the archive of the SoundArtMuseum (established in 2004 and curated by Lorenzo Benedetti, Riccardo Giagni, and Cesare Pietroiusti, it has over 1,000 audio works); and the second station of the Il treno project (the first one was in Turin on November 6, 2010), entitled Landscapes on the Move , curated by Lorenzo Benedetti and Cecilia Casorati, and presenting works by Donatella Spaziani, Liliana Moro, Mario Airò, Massimo Bartolini, Dario D’Aronco, Marco Fedele di Catrano, Valentino Diego, Donatella Landi, Eva Marisaldi, Alfredo Pirri, and special guests of the Train project, Jannis Kounellis and Alvin Curran. The sequence of exhibitions, meetings, and short trips creates the connections between the chosen galleries, while metaphorically the title can be understood to refer to the rapid succession of scenarios and stories changing in the art spaces as quickly as they would on a train, broadening the horizons of the viewers-passengers in the process. Also Ferdinando Vicentini Orgnani’s documentary S.T. (Untitled), a work in progress featuring many of the artists participating in Compagni di viaggio , and Jimmie Durham’s film Pursuit of Happiness will be screened as part of the exhibition. (Alenka Gregorič)

The exhibition has been supported by Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Slovenia.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Best Piercings Philippines

Essere o non essere? Questa è la Virtus!

Drawing on recently read a book (yes, if you're not the school books you must read them for personal culture in adulthood) makes me a comment that match, right result in part, to reflect on the question Hamlet.

Tiepolo How good can remember, the existential doubt is related to suicide and the fear proved to the goals suffered so marked the game, at least in its initial phase. After we have given a stirred and rearranged to match, they are above us in the standings, but even then we are so much lower and in fact we saw a good Virtus Dervio against a square. 2-0, in 10 and so the question again: suicide or suicide? In the end, however, we remember another scene: that if offers mediaset usual at Christmas "A Trading Places"

dove anche i miracoli possono accadere, beh la Virtus delizia ogni tanto il suo pubblico di una delle sue Operette migliori: "La remuntada" in chiave non-completa (avremmo dovuto vincere e li che si compiva il godimento dell'essere!).

Tuttavia seppure piacevole mi fu questo ermo punto: potevamo suicidarci, potevamo vincere, potevamo..ma dato che non è mai tardi per imparare e dato che io non posso discutere. Vi lascio con questo dubbio Amletico: to be or not to be?

Now back to sports page were:
Faboloso +1, -1 Pocho
Pantera, Espo (maybe I am mistaken, but the first goal I thought it was going out of here, to Max smezziamo negligence)
+1 Cecco, I try, throw yourself on training Sunday (I try and Butt were in debt)
MAOC -1 for x amount of yellow expulsion and the sum of protests.

Faboloso -1 (see image) ID
-1 Maffo for giving the band the Panther
+1 Cuchu to post remuntada and chorus dressing room burst tear (when we go to see him Genzo? and Anardu? Choirs and do not deserve it want it back!)
+2 Pocho for food and beers (never given back)
+2 Maffo for food and beer birthday
+2 Tato for food and beer
+3 Tato for unspecified reason, dark
-1 Arge, Mazzei, a few, and Geo Faboloso lack post-remuntada the bar

the few white because I was damned soul against 2 Marcantoni his way to a Q or a minute left in MOLTENI sacrifice, but given that he wants to more .. I would not say too much and then repent.
Turning now to the section gossip and curiosity :
(Scarpa Cabrini bought by the few in London to £ 15,000 for scoring a goal in the 2-2)

(ID card on display at the bar Dervio - ugliest player in history - Fabo Vattel to recall)

(fan reported after the end of the game to a chorus of Dervock, cameras shouting "LA RE MU NTAA DAAA)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Military Grade Gshock Watch

Il Girone di ritorno: Derviese - Virtus Lecco

Let the games begin!
now the new year began a few days, we can almost do no wrong as saying 2010 instead of 2011, the panettone are finished and thanks to the coincidence of the weekend on many holidays, you'll hardly notice big differences between the old and new.

E 'here we should find the VIRTUS, that is, between the differences between the old and new, the main objective might just be the people to say "this New Year's Virtus did just fine" in all respects of view.

Maybe I missed a few episodes of the locker room, but I hope and believe that the spirit is not far from the previous sentence.

The first great commitment is at the door, we demonstrate that we have one more year of experience all together!