Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cover Ugly Pipes Under Bathroom Sink

Divorzio all'italiana

There is nothing to say, this is clear. Officially, the "post" had not yet been written to give ideas time to settle and the parties concerned to explain to each other and with others. Not having been a person I have heard all the bells and honestly did not think it could go that far, do not think that the "time" (or so it was) had in fact occurred. It is indeed the case for those who ask of us can cast the first stone. In any case it is really unpleasant to spend a week in football this way when 7 days ago, everything seemed just one project, and one goal, not to mention the group. I do not want to reopen talks, as I said at the beginning, and it is true that age and being all responsible for our actions, as well as professional football players (in the bottom of the second category I think it is) we must move forward, we must "turn the page" and shall we lose a player (a greeting Cecco) and what we all considered "a man more" when it was there.
The error is all the mistake and the consequences too. Unfortunately you can not go back and feel much the lack of: grades, report cards, fact sheets, commentaries, monologues, and whatever else ci distraeva dal match, dalla classifica e faceva gruppo.

Non vorrei star qui a scrivere tutta notte, perchè comunque domani si gioca.
Ho soltanto un desiderio da esprimere:
- Chiedo a tutti voi di parlare ora se qualcosa o qualcuno non vi va bene;
- Chiedo alla dirigenza di non mandare più un messaggio del genere;

Non vorrei farmi idee, progetti e piani con un gruppo ad agosto e ritrovarmi senza dei pezzi a giugno per motivi che reputo non gravi come le conseguenze ottenute.

In fondo è solo un blog, in fondo non so neanche se è quello ufficiale, direi piuttosto a "support" to the team, after all we are people and we can argue and vent a bit ... I wanted to write, otherwise I would not have been mentally tomorrow.
Updating the charts, even if the whole thing a bit discouraged me in this too.

A hug and good luck Mods.


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