Monday, February 21, 2011

Mount Blade Generator

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air

thank the 17 (+2 forum) teammates that I have never laughed at the nickname given in the key Milo2008. I have always supported and believed in me. It was seen immediately believe it. Thanks. Thanks also to those who have always supported Faboloso as the sole and undisputed batsman of punishment, thanks to two of his "improvisation" in the punishment-schema with people lined up, thanks for having hit the door again as only he can do .. and thanks for leaving the punishment of a goal to SuperMinkia.
A final thanks goes to the warm public still supports us and that he cried out, especially the ending: "uh uh uh uh uh uh uhn another goal .... make us a force virtus Goooal!"

Irony aside, hoping that someone will brake sooner or later, the point that we brought home is not so bad, a totally different opponent swept outward for 94 minutes, hoping the bank fortuitous (which came). Twelve low 11 players against us Virtuosi. I saw a unit and a group which has withstood the strong attacks of their attacker, Mr.Orange, and keeping the reins has repeatedly tried the same, and a little timidly, in the final victory.

The group has seen a lot and I liked it.

turn the page and prepare for the next battle.

Only two videos in this post: the first one who wants to remember that Brigo Thursday went away singing "Willy superfiko of Bel Air", also known as The Fresh Prince of Bel Air (my favorite show). The second is a tribute to the group.

+1 Dex
+0,5 SuperMinkia

per il malus non ricordo chi doveva essere in chiusura centrale sul tiratore, era forse un centrocampista? (MAZZE che ne dici?)

+2 Arge, SuperMinkia per cibo+Alcool
+3 Espo per cori razzisti
-2 Espo per reazione a fallo subito
-2 Espo per aver colpito Arge invece di un avversario
+1 Espo per aver azzeccato il goal di Arge 2domeniche fa
+1 Tifoso misterioso che gridava e si nascondeva dal ripostiglio del campo
+1 Tifoso ultrà Talamona che grida "Quadrupede" a Espo x insultarlo
+1 Viking per il numero alla ronaldinho (2domeniche fa)
+1 Viking per aver announced in the fray to assist my goal (to predict the outcome of the match)

remember that you must pay a couple of beers to the winners of Thursday's "Cross or beer."


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