Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Parazzi's Favorite Lenses

10 ragazzi per me posson bastare

I saw a man who was dying of ball
I saw another one that most 'Colombo has not.
no panther ever
you can 'strike more'
a great love that grabs my heart.
Ten guys enough for me
ten guys to want to forget me

If we want to give a tune in this Sunday's brutal and repeat Virtus to the world that never leaves you alone to freeze in the cold season, but there has always been emotional and remuntade. Applause and turn the page.

The TO BE is so much wanted to come, hoping to keep it between our quality, launch a new provocation to the lions.

Ten boys Possoni enough? Or maybe that's all crazy because they do not know ..
That the Columbus brothers had to do next Sunday (discounted), which Espo's ass, too. Naively warn you, a sign of growing infinitesimal upward.
Applause from the audience, who always supports the Virtus, especially to our Uncle Aliprando Sirag that after the film was able to go to see

fans packed crackers and terroncelli everywhere Sacco (+ Tino Valse), Oceana, Brigo (well that is not entirely terroncello but how many firecrackers and smoke bombs fired ) fam.Esposto.
For those who are undecided on the phrase that the number 5 at the Sorrento Theron I leave the options:
1. Really cool that you Espo;
2. It's about time someone scored on a free kick;
3. But now, as usual, do not spend it all (did so);
4. Espo and I of punishment is better that we do not discuss;

to summarize the scores of FVL and Magic is now starting to tickle the palate.
+1 Espo, Viking, SuperM
+0.5 Mazzei, Viking
-0.5 -1 Espo
+5 Maffo for technical specifications;
Espo -1 to 360 ° exultation benches with a dedication to the game already started;
+1 Brigo to re-stage after months of inaction;
-2 accounts for hypothetical goal game at 2-3 Dervio returned to Pol2001;
+2 SuperM for cibaria;


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