Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Military Grade Gshock Watch

Il Girone di ritorno: Derviese - Virtus Lecco

Let the games begin!
now the new year began a few days, we can almost do no wrong as saying 2010 instead of 2011, the panettone are finished and thanks to the coincidence of the weekend on many holidays, you'll hardly notice big differences between the old and new.

E 'here we should find the VIRTUS, that is, between the differences between the old and new, the main objective might just be the people to say "this New Year's Virtus did just fine" in all respects of view.

Maybe I missed a few episodes of the locker room, but I hope and believe that the spirit is not far from the previous sentence.

The first great commitment is at the door, we demonstrate that we have one more year of experience all together!



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