Monday, January 17, 2011

Best Piercings Philippines

Essere o non essere? Questa è la Virtus!

Drawing on recently read a book (yes, if you're not the school books you must read them for personal culture in adulthood) makes me a comment that match, right result in part, to reflect on the question Hamlet.

Tiepolo How good can remember, the existential doubt is related to suicide and the fear proved to the goals suffered so marked the game, at least in its initial phase. After we have given a stirred and rearranged to match, they are above us in the standings, but even then we are so much lower and in fact we saw a good Virtus Dervio against a square. 2-0, in 10 and so the question again: suicide or suicide? In the end, however, we remember another scene: that if offers mediaset usual at Christmas "A Trading Places"

dove anche i miracoli possono accadere, beh la Virtus delizia ogni tanto il suo pubblico di una delle sue Operette migliori: "La remuntada" in chiave non-completa (avremmo dovuto vincere e li che si compiva il godimento dell'essere!).

Tuttavia seppure piacevole mi fu questo ermo punto: potevamo suicidarci, potevamo vincere, dato che non è mai tardi per imparare e dato che io non posso discutere. Vi lascio con questo dubbio Amletico: to be or not to be?

Now back to sports page were:
Faboloso +1, -1 Pocho
Pantera, Espo (maybe I am mistaken, but the first goal I thought it was going out of here, to Max smezziamo negligence)
+1 Cecco, I try, throw yourself on training Sunday (I try and Butt were in debt)
MAOC -1 for x amount of yellow expulsion and the sum of protests.

Faboloso -1 (see image) ID
-1 Maffo for giving the band the Panther
+1 Cuchu to post remuntada and chorus dressing room burst tear (when we go to see him Genzo? and Anardu? Choirs and do not deserve it want it back!)
+2 Pocho for food and beers (never given back)
+2 Maffo for food and beer birthday
+2 Tato for food and beer
+3 Tato for unspecified reason, dark
-1 Arge, Mazzei, a few, and Geo Faboloso lack post-remuntada the bar

the few white because I was damned soul against 2 Marcantoni his way to a Q or a minute left in MOLTENI sacrifice, but given that he wants to more .. I would not say too much and then repent.
Turning now to the section gossip and curiosity :
(Scarpa Cabrini bought by the few in London to £ 15,000 for scoring a goal in the 2-2)

(ID card on display at the bar Dervio - ugliest player in history - Fabo Vattel to recall)

(fan reported after the end of the game to a chorus of Dervock, cameras shouting "LA RE MU NTAA DAAA)


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