Monday, March 5, 2007

Vote Of Thanks(wedding)

Tulli Papyrus

Il 'Papiro Tulli' fu individuato nel 1934 nel
negozio di un antiquario, dal professor Alberto Tulli (allora direttore
del Pontificio Museo Egizio Vaticano), durante un suo viaggio di
studio, in Egitto, effettuato con il fratello, Monsignor Augusto Tulli.
La complessa e alterna intriguing because in each of the papyrus text of the papyrus seems to be reported in the story of a miraculous event, that
a series of strange sightings of mysterious objects in the sky, which would have assisted the Pharaoh
Thuthmosis lli (1504 - L450, about a.
C .) and many of his subjects. The mystery deepens as the document goes
erasures in the presence of some key points of the text, which made it nebulous its meaning, but among those that the project remains worthy of study and consideration.


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