Tuesday, March 6, 2007

How Long Can You Live With One Kidney

is one of those things that according to history should not exist: "The map of Piri Reis." Piri Reis was born in 1470 in the current Gelibolu Gallipoli. At age 14 he embarked on the ship of his uncle Kemal Reis turkish devoted to pirate raids in the Mediterranean. In 1499 Piri Reis was appointed admiral of the Ottoman fleet. As a result of his travels he wrote a negotiation geography "Kitab Babriye" which reported the location of the bays, creeks, shoals, and the routes in use at the time in the Baltic Mediteranneo He designed in 1513 on a gazelle skin finely tanned a map. And by the notes written Admiral on the sidelines of the document, known by its own admission, that the design was copied from an older map (about twenty) where Piri Reis map has gathered those sources, we can not know. It can be assumed to have been brought to Constantinople, along with many other documents, in a desperate attempt to save them after the destruction of the library of Alexandria in Egypt caused by the earthquake and resulting tsunami in 390 AD The map (most likely a fragment of larger) was found wrapped in a dusty shelf in 1929 when he decided to do an inventory of archaeological finds in the Topkapi Palace in Constantinople (now Istanbul). Only in 1960, an eminent scholar, Charles Hapgood, volle cercare di capire a cosa si riferisse la mappa. Senza specificare cosa fosse, ma facendola copiare dai suoi studenti e presentandola come un lavoro di quel gruppo, spedì i frammenti dei disegni alla Biblioteca del Congresso degli Stati Uniti e alla Nasa, chiedendo se fosse possibile sapere a cosa si riferissero. La prima risposta venne dalla Nasa, e fu stupefacente! Non sono carte strane, sono semplicemente la rappresentazione delle coste dell'America sull'Atlantico, delle coste Africane e della Costa della Principessa Martha della Terra della Regina Maud nell'Antartide com'era prima che fosse sepolto dai ghiacci, vale a dire dai 4000 ai 6000 anni a.C. E ancor più stupefacente, la mappa pare a volte ripresa dall'alto. Chi aveva fatto quei Drawings 4000 years before Christ? And from the bargain? The shape of the coast of Antarctica have been found under the crust of ice until 1949 thanks to seismographic surveys. Also in numerse notes made by Piri Reis in the margin, there is talk of land in which civilian populations do not run naked, adorned with feathers of various colors of parrots, monsters with white fur, and huge snakes. You can see the Andes and the design of the blade, unknown animals in Europe. Official science until then had never dealt with the map of Piri Reis because "uncomfortable". With further research it was learned that the Admiral was a boy she met a sailor captured in one of his uncle pirate raids. The sailor had sailed with Christopher Columbus and told how Columbus consults strange maps other than those previously known. Those that were considered reliable by the Genoese sailor, convinced him to undertake his journey? More maps from ancient to Oronzio fine pattern in 1532 Mercator atlas, show the boundaries of a world that at the time when these eminent geographers and accredited lived, could not be known. It is assumed therefore that these eminent cartographers have had access to very old maps. The World Charter of King James shows us the Sahara desert as a fertile land with lakes and rivers and cities. And Buache World Map shows how Antarctica was a continent divided into two broad islands with a great inland sea as you could see today if it were not covered by 1.5 km. ice. We can dare to think, then, for the avoidance of mainstream science, that these written records, along with numerous and mysterious archaeological finds that emerge in the forests, deserts, and in places far from each other throughout the world are proof that we "modern" we were not the first in the history of our planet, but that a great civilization existed before, destroyed by a huge cataclysm that has erased the traces? So much to support it not only documents we have mentioned we confirm it, but if we turn our attention to the myths and traditions of many peoples abitano il nostro pianeta notiamo che tutti hanno un denominatore comune che preso in esame ci porterà inevitabilmente ad una visione più ampia e dilatata nel tempo della comprensione delle nostre origini.


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