Monday, March 5, 2007

Donwload Driverphilips Saa7130hl

tea cups


This is the affidavit of Frank J. Kennard, (dated November 27, 1948 in Eldred L. Jullie NP My commission expires May 21, 1951 - Benton Co):

"While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Okla. in 1912, came upon a piece of solid coal which was too large to use. broke it with a sledgehammer. This bowl of iron, fell from the center, leaving the cast, or the matrix of the same piece di carbone. Jim Stull ( un dipendente della compagnia) era presente alla rottura del pezzo di carbone, e vide la ciotola uscire da esso .Rintracciai l’origine del carbone, e trovai che esso veniva dalle WILBURTON, OKLAHOMA Mines”

Al Carbone delle miniere di Wilburton è riconosciuta un’età di 295 milioni di anni.


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