Monday, March 5, 2007

Phenix Ski Jacket And Pants

716 stone discs with strange hieroglyphic inscriptions

must go back to 1937/38 and go in China's Qinghai Province. In the mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula, the archaeologist-Chin Pu Tei found caves containing skeletons of minute, slender and with the head enormously developed, there is nothing except 716 stone discs with strange hieroglyphic inscriptions arranged in a spiral. In 1947, a British scientist, Karyl Robin-Evans claimed to have reached the mountains above and to have found a hundred people, known as the DOZPA, 120 cm tall on average, lived with them for about six months, he learned the language and customs and was well know that were or considered themselves "original" of a planet in the Sirius star system (after the collision on the mountainous area long before the survivors would have adapted to living on our planet wild ). With a little jump in time, you get to 1960.Il prof.Tsum Um NUJ partially succeeds in translating the inscriptions on the disks, they are horrified and tries to publish his studi ma viene bloccata l'operazione a causa del suo contenuto:le iscrizioni sui dischi,infatti, avrebbero narrato l'"INCIDENTE"occorso ad una navicella aliena su quelle montagne 12.000 anni fa!Riesce comunque a far uscire la pubblicazione, che viene derisa e giudicata senza senso e il professore viene deriso da tutti.Decide di emigrare in Giappone, dove termina l'ultimo manoscritto al riguardo e muore senza che nessuno,ora,sappia dove sia sepolto e dove siano le sue pubblicazioni.Va ricordato che in quella provincia,la popolazione NARRA di questa leggenda aliena e temono che gli esseri "discesi"dallo spazio possano tornare.Facciamo un altro piccolo salto nel tempo:siamo nel 1974.E'l'ultima volta che qualcuno vede i dischi(erano finiti in vari musei,nel meantime). E 'E. Wegerer, which can (helped by the then director of the museum, probably) to shoot 2 at the Museum of Bomp Xi an: weigh about 1 kg, have 30 cm in diameter, with a central hole, are partly sbriciolati.Il period is not the best: from 1966 to '76, in fact, rests on the Cultural Revolution China.

Other "jump" in 1994.H.Hausdorf we became interested in the matter which has come to know and went to the museum Bompo.Stavolta there is a director who explains that the disks and the former director is gone without a trace. Everything can be relegated to the legend? Science fiction? Yet in nov.1995, the Associated Press reported that just over those mountains was discovered a community of 120 gnomes, the highest of which measured 120 cm and 72 cm lower. From the internet I learned that the government had "deported" in recent times these people, perhaps relegating away from the eyes of all their presence and he does not know anything! The village is called Huilong and just a few hundred kilometers from mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula. Some scientists have attempted to explain the short stature with a high concentration of mercury in soil and that for generations was taken through the water. But it was denied because mercury is a poison that can be deadly but not by changes in the DNA


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