Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Dizziness And Rebounder

The Skull of Doom Zed

Costruzioni futuristiche del passato presenti sul nostro pianeta . Uno di questi Zed is the of the famous tower of Osiris enclosed in the pyramid of Cheops. The unanswered questions are still many on the tower and to investigate the matter and 'necessary to move from the ancient writings in our possession and the assumptions of most scholars' authority. The Italian engineer Mario Pincherle, author of four books on the Zed, Zed believes that it has been built by ancient civilizations' highly evolved. Pincherle second, the Zed would initially found on the top of the pyramid of Zoser and was transported to the Pyramid of Cheops at a later time, because of the progressive barbarism of humanity '. The tower of granite, sacred to the Egyptian god Osiris, was able to channel the energy of the universe. Pincherle, in one of his writings, in order to argue that the pyramid was a kind of bunker built to protect the Zed points out that "the inside of the pyramid 'in rich polished granite, in honor of the precious relic which he kept; while outside it is' very poor, and 'poor limestone bill just fine. The view that the pyramid was the work of the Egyptians is not shared by the British science writer Colin Wilson's argument that the civilization' was far behind Egyptian technologically. But what does it symbolize the Zed?. Among the many assumptions that we mention that the tower would have been playing a spine with four vertebrae. The vertical axis of the pillar is the symbol energy flowing freely, while the four horizontal planes, in connection with the cardinal points, that would set energy. Lying on the ground it would be the image of death Zed, erect, would be a symbol of resurrection.


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