Monday, March 5, 2007

How To Get To The Vasein The Cave In Poptropica

Stones of Ica

Ad Ica in Perù vi è un fisico appassionato di archeologia , il dottor Javier Cabrera che è in possesso di circa ventimila pietre decorate con incisioni ad oggi considerate senza un senso storico.
These stones in gray andesite (material very difficult to account for its hardness) depict men riding dinosaurs, open heart surgery, blood transfusions, caesarean section and so on.
Professor Cabrera has received the gift of the foundation stones from a local farmer and then became aware of the anomaly of some of the designs began to be interested in these items, and discovered that local people are used to find these stones since 1500.
Unfortunately it is not easy to analyze these objects to find out the date, however, remain a mystery.


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