Thursday, March 8, 2007

What Color Shirt Goes Well With A Grey Suit

Documentary about the possible origins of man

Documentario molto interessante che ripercorre tutte le tappe dell`uomo seguendo l`evoluzione. Nel video vi sono le documentazioni di molti ritrovamenti di oggetti curiosi che fanno presupporre che durante l`evoluzione dell`uomo vi siano stati dei contatti con gli alieni.

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OOPARTS documentary

Video documentario sul ritrovamento di oggetti che non dovrebbero esistere appunto gli OOPARTS. Il video é fatto molto bene anche se aimé é in lingua inglese!
Buona visione.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Dizziness And Rebounder

The Skull of Doom Zed

Costruzioni futuristiche del passato presenti sul nostro pianeta . Uno di questi Zed is the of the famous tower of Osiris enclosed in the pyramid of Cheops. The unanswered questions are still many on the tower and to investigate the matter and 'necessary to move from the ancient writings in our possession and the assumptions of most scholars' authority. The Italian engineer Mario Pincherle, author of four books on the Zed, Zed believes that it has been built by ancient civilizations' highly evolved. Pincherle second, the Zed would initially found on the top of the pyramid of Zoser and was transported to the Pyramid of Cheops at a later time, because of the progressive barbarism of humanity '. The tower of granite, sacred to the Egyptian god Osiris, was able to channel the energy of the universe. Pincherle, in one of his writings, in order to argue that the pyramid was a kind of bunker built to protect the Zed points out that "the inside of the pyramid 'in rich polished granite, in honor of the precious relic which he kept; while outside it is' very poor, and 'poor limestone bill just fine. The view that the pyramid was the work of the Egyptians is not shared by the British science writer Colin Wilson's argument that the civilization' was far behind Egyptian technologically. But what does it symbolize the Zed?. Among the many assumptions that we mention that the tower would have been playing a spine with four vertebrae. The vertical axis of the pillar is the symbol energy flowing freely, while the four horizontal planes, in connection with the cardinal points, that would set energy. Lying on the ground it would be the image of death Zed, erect, would be a symbol of resurrection.

Iant Human Skeleton Found In Arabian Desert

BIRTHDAY GIFT. "My father was doing excavations in Central America, British Honduras (now Belize). We discovered the ruins of a Mayan city, which, he had something to do with Atlantis, so we continued to dig for seven years. Then one day, among the stones, I saw something that glittered. It was my seventeenth birthday, and it filled me with joy. " So says a seraphic old lady who looks like something out of the novels of Agatha Christie. Her name is Anna Mitchell Hedges, and is the adopted daughter of FA "Mike" Mitchell-Hedges, a very popular during the '20s. English adventurer ambitious and intelligent, Mike Mitchell-Hedges moved for years between the two Americas, in exercising the most varied professions (from cowboy to the professional player, under the revolutionary Pancho Villa, the archaeologist) and attending either the world of billionaires and that of soldiers of fortune. The thing "that spark", an extraordinary birthday gift filled with joy that the young Ms. Mitchell-Hedges is one of the items mysterious ever found during an archaeological excavation: the Skull of Doom, a life-size skull carved in one huge block of pure rock crystal, crafted with incredible skill and precision. SENTENCE CUT. So the old lady has described the Mitchell-Hedges found the skull in an interview with British television program The Mysterious World of Arthur C. Clarke. A hasty tale, fairytale. E 'away from 1927, in fact, when the skull came to light in Lubantuun, Mike and Anna Mitchell-Hedges refused to provide any other details on the discovery. In his massive biography, Danger My Ally ("hidden treasures and sea monsters") devoted to the enigmatic adventurer prezioso manufatto solo poche righe. “Portammo con noi (in un viaggio in Africa) anche il “Teschio del Destino” di cui molto si è parlato. Ho buone ragioni per non rivelare come ne sono venuto in possesso”. Seguiva una breve descrizione che insieme a questa frase venne “tagliata” nelle successive edizioni del libro. Perchè? Alcuni hanno pensato a una complessa storia di contrabbando, a un teschio sistemato a bella posta tra le rovine, in modo di essere “ritrovato” al momento opportuno. Perchè tanto interesse sui particolari del ritrovamento del “Teschio del Destino”? Perchè nessun ricercatore è in grado di affermare con sicurezza quando e da quale civiltà esso sia stato building. According to the few reports in the aforementioned diary Mitchell - Hedges father, the skull was 3600 years, and was used by the Great Mayan priests to celebrate special magical rites. But the source "official" of the Maya people is estimated at around 290 AD (although some archaeologists believe that it is much earlier) and this statement is therefore considered unlikely. GEMINI SKULL. The experts at the British Museum skull to trace the Aztec civilization, datandone the source (with a lot of doubt) around 1300/1400 AD. But what was he doing an Aztec artifact in a Maya city displaced several hundred kilometers to the south? You do not even know the means by which the skull was constructed: was detected only the likely track of a sharp chisel. In this case, to build it, it would take at least hundred and fifty years of uninterrupted work. But, to complicate this already complicated mystery, exhibited at the Museum of Mankind Barrington Gardens in London, is a skull "twin", which is identical to that which we have spoken so far except for one thing. The skull of the Mitchell-Hedges, in fact, his jaw broken, like a real skull, the museum has exhibited at the fixed jaw. Researchers agree that the two objects were manufactured by the same "hands": the skull of London could therefore provide lights on here that their common origin caparbia signora Mitchell-Hedges si ostina a negare. "Potrebbe"; solo che anche di questo secondo, prezioso oggetto si conosce poco o nulla. Il Museum of Mankind lo acquistò da Tiffany's, il celebre gioielliere di New York, nel 1898, per la somma di centoventi sterline. I dirigenti di Tiffany's non furono in grado (o non vollero) dare spiegazioni sulla sua prove¬nienza. Corse voce che facesse parte del bottino ammassato in Messico da uno sconosciuto mercenario in un epoca imprecisa. Neppure un terzo teschio di cristallo esposto al Musèe de L'Homme di Parigi, identico nello stile agli altri due ma di dimensioni ridotte, può fornire informazioni particolarmente interessanti. Gli esperti del Museo affermano che faceva parte di uno “scettro magico” Azteco del XIII o XIV secolo d.C., e che veniva usato per tenere lontano i serpenti e per prevedere il futuro. IMMAGINI PAUROSE. Si dice che gli inservienti del Museum of Mankind abbiano chiesto all'amministrazione di coprire con un panno nero il “loro” Teschio “of Doom” per non vederselo d'intorno mentre fanno le pulizie. Doom è una parola inglese che viene comunemente tradotta con “destino”, in mancanza di termini più appropriati. In realtà significa davvero “destino”, ma in un 'accezione malvagia, negativa, sinistra. E' chiaro che una testa di morto, per di più scintillante al minimo raggio di luce, non ha certo un aspetto “allegro” e può incutere a superstitious terror to those who worked alongside, perhaps alone and at night. But, worse, dark stories circulating. Some say they saw frightening images materialize within the skull, and he who claims to hearing them scream, and he who has lost his mind "after fixing their orbits hypnotic and empty." Mitchell-Hedges claimed that when the skull was found, the indigenous workers bowed to worship, explaining that it was their god, and could either heal you from all evil and cause a terrible death. Truth or myth? Suggestions arising from the macabre aspect of the sculptures and the mystery surrounding their origins? Or the skulls are indeed part of the disturbing category "objects cursed" in the chronicles are full of history, "child" of the world?

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The Coso Geode

One of the first enigmatic archaeological finds which has gained knowledge and '"The Coso Geode, a rock oddly devoid of his typical cavity'. On February 13, 1961, three jewelers, Mike Mikesell, Wallace Lane and Virginia Maxey, looking for minerals on California's Coso Mountains, they found a geode-covered fossil in the rock. Thinking of a rare mineral of the three wanted to examine it before a possible processing. The object was cut in half 'with a special saw and was found inside an object natura artificiale. L'oggetto presentava un nucleo di metallo circondato da strati di materiale simile alla ceramica ed una copertura esagonale in legno.I tre gioiellieri si rivolsero ad alcuni scienziati: vennero fatte delle radiografie dell'oggetto, ancora incastrato nella pietra, e si scopri' che era composto da una molla a spirale, un chiodo ed una rondella . Sembrava la candela di una macchina , ma...di epoca preistorica dato che le incrostazioni fossili della pietra erano risultate vecchie di 500 mila anni ! Sottoposto ai raggi-X l'oggetto ricorda molto la candela di accensione di un motore a scoppio. Ulteriori indagini effettuate sulle fotografie e sulle radiografie rivelano che il pezzo metallico piu' importante dello oggetto, situato nella parte superiore , non sembra tuttavia corrispondere a nessuna parte della candela normalmente in uso ai giorni nostri. I gioiellieri misero in vendita il loro tesoro per 25.000 dollari, ma l'offerta non ebbe fortuna dato che nessuno lo acquisto' per timore di una frode.

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The Antikythera Mechanism

Il meccanismo di Antikythera è un oggetto di metallo, scoperto nel relitto di una nave vecchia di duemila anni, che apparentemente contiene degli ingranaggi e che costituisce quindi una sorta di strumento . Nel 1900 un gruppo di pescatori di spugne greci scoprì i l relitto di una nave al largo della piccola isola di Antikythera, fra la Grecia e Creta . Spedizioni archeologiche sottomarine inviate sul posto recuperarono vasellame, statue e oggetti corrosi , che facevano risalire il relitto a circa 2000 anni prima. Nel 1902 un archeologo del Museo Nazionale di Atene, Valerios Stais, esaminò alcuni di quegli oggetti e gliene capitò fra le mani uno di metallo che diventò noto con il nome di meccanismo di Antikythera. Uno studio più attento rivelò che si trattava di una scatola che allo esterno aveva dei misuratori e all'interno una massa complessa di ingranaggi, fra cui almeno venti ruote dentate . Tutte le superfici del congegno erano ricoperte di iscrizioni greche. Prima della scoperta di quel meccanismo, non era stato mai rinvenuto o descritto nessun oggetto o congegno paragonabile. Quel che si sapeva fino a quel momento della tecnologia ellenica escludeva la possibilità at that time you could build a device like that. On the basis of the amphorae, pottery and objects found in the wreckage, scientists are reasonably sure that the sinking occurred around 65 BC, with a margin of 15 years. An examination of the letters of the inscriptions reveals that they date back to the first century BC and are not sure of the birth of Christ. This date corresponds to the language used and the nature of astronomical references of the inscriptions. The largest entry, for example, is part of an astronomical calendar strikingly similar to that which we know that was completed in 77 BC Today it is considered quite probable that the device was an astronomical calculator that cyclic mechanical relations fra il sistema solare e le stelle. Forse era installato in una statua e usato come pezzo da esposizione. Forse funzionava a energia idraulica. Quasi tutto il lavoro di restauro e di ricostruzione che portò a questa conclusione si è svolto sotto la direzione di Derek J. de Solla Price, dell'Università di Yale. A partire dagli inizi degli anni '50 Price iniziò il restauro del congegno, che era incrostato e gravemente corroso. Lo stadio successivo fu la traduzione delle iscrizioni, che per la maggior parte sono illeggibili. Il sole è menzionato parecchie volte, Venere una volta, ed è nominata l'eclittica. Un'iscrizione, "76 anni, 19 anni," si riferisce al cosiddetto ciclo calippico di 76 anni e al ciclo metonico 19 anni (235 mesi lunari). The next line contains the number 223 - a reference to the eclipse cycle of 223 lunar months. In 1972, after examining X-rays and gamma rays the various fragments, Price settled many details of the construction and operation of the device, which apparently was built with a central axis. When the axis turned, came into operation a system of shafts and gears that made the hands move at different speeds around a series of dials. The latter are difficult to interpret because of corrosion. The front, however, clearly shows the movement of the sun in the zodiac and the rising and setting of stars and constellations important. The rear quadrants, which are more complex and less legible, concerned i pianeti e i fenomeni lunari. A detta di Price il quadrante anteriore è "l'unico grande esemplare noto di uno strumento graduato dell'antichità". A suo parere quel congegno era racchiuso in una scatola di circa trenta cm. per 15 per 7,5 e sulle facce più grandi aveva dei pannelli con cerniere che portavano le iscrizioni. Dentro c'erano probabilmente almeno trenta ingranaggi, tutti di bronzo, e probabilmente tagliati da un unico pezzo di metallo. La potenza, a suo dire, era trasmessa a un grande ingranaggio che aveva quattro raggi uniti a mortasa nel bordo, dove erano saldati e fissati da ribattini. Secondo Price, "la caratteristica meccanica più spettacolare del meccanismo di Antikythera" è una piattaforma girevole differenziale, un meccanismo che si sarebbe rivisto soltanto nell'Europa del '500. Sulla base della sua ricerca, Price ha concluso che, contrariamente a quanto si era creduto in precedenza, una tradizione di alta tecnologia esisteva effettivamente in Grecia intorno all'epoca di Cristo. Prima si dava per scontato che i greci conoscessero il principio degli ingranaggi, ma si riteneva che i loro congegni muniti di ingranaggi fossero relativamente rudimentali. . Il “mistero” consiste nel fatto che, nell'80 a.C., simili apparecchi “non avrebbero dovuto esistere”: gli studiosi di cose antiche concordano infatti nell'affermare che in quel tempo la tecnologia non era in grado di produrre apparecchiature di tale precisione. Del resto non ne avrebbe prodotte per altri sedici secoli: nel meccanismo si trova infatti un ingranaggio differenziale, inventato (o reinventato) soltanto verso la fine del cinquecento. L'esistenza di oggetti impossibili e di scienze dimenticate stimolano alcune considerazioni. O si ammette l'esistenza di conoscenze “perdute” per qualche ragione ignota e poi riemerse (il che imporrebbe una riscrittura della storia dell'umanità su basi molto diverse da quelle comunemente accettate) o si deve riconoscere un altissimo grado di fallibilità da parte della storiografia ufficiale. Il Meccanismo di Antikythera non può essere il parto di un inventore solitario e ingegnoso (vi sono coinvolte troppe diverse conoscenze); di conseguenza la civiltà greca doveva essere, al contrario di ciò who has always said, technologically advanced.

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Who carved the statues on earth before man? They start wondering after scientists in different parts of the world have been found very artistic oldest date of birth "official" art and the oldest modern human species (which would be "revealed" in Africa around 200 000 years ago). Works that, just because they are not within the framework of established knowledges, are held in limbo and are rarely published, almost did not exist. Here are three cases "outstanding." VENUS PRIMORDIAL. It is a stone statue depicting a woman who was found in the eighties israleana archaeologist Naama Goren-Imbar site Berekhat Ram, in the northern Golan. E 'carved in volcanic tuff and very rudumentali forms: still stand head and body and, together, reminiscent of their "Venus" paleolithic. With one important difference: while the older ones among them have 20-25 thousand years, the figure of 300 thousand would have Berekhat Ram. A date, which has attracted much skepticism, but Goren-Inbar has confirmed that the statuette was found in a layer of volcanic tuff often four feet, which would rule out any possibility of frammissioni between geological different. Currently, the exhibit was designed by Professor Alexander Marschack, an expert on prehistoric art at Harvard University, who has already expressed its support for the dating.

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Aircraft pre-Columbian Bogota

In an ancient tomb in South America was found a gold jewel accents. The find, dating back to 1800 years ago, was hastily classified as "religious ornament." Its shape is so similar to the fastest planes contemporary engineers dell'Aereonautical Institute in New York examined him thoroughly. We recognize the delta wings, the cockpit, windshield, tail. Currently, the precious toy airplane si trova alla State Bank di Bogotà (Colombia). Non è l'unico esemplare. Nelle tombe precolombiane sono stati trovati molti altri oggetti simili.

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The "light" of Dendera

In diversi luoghi all’interno del tempio tardo Tolemaico di Hathor a Dendera, in Egitto, strani bassorilievi sulle pareti intrigano da anni gli studiosi. Difficile, infatti, per loro spiegarne la natura, sulla scorta di temi mitico-religiosi tradizionali, ma nuove e più moderne interpretazioni ci giungono dal campo dell’ingegneria elettronica. In una camera, il numero 17, il pannello superiore, mostra alcuni sacerdoti egiziani che fanno funzionare quelli che appaiono come tubi oblunghi that perform different functions. Each tube has a serpent extending its entire length. The Swedish engineer Henry Kjellson, in his book "Forvunen Teknik (Disappeared Technology) pointed out that in the hieroglyphs these snakes are described as" seref, "which means to glow, and believes it refers to some form of electricity. In the scene, the extreme right appears a box on top where sits an image of the Egyptian god Atum-Ra, which identifies the box as a source of energy. Attached to the box is a braided cable that the engineer Alfred D. Bielek identified as an exact copy of the illustrations used today are a bundle of electrical wires. I cavi partono dalla scatola e corrono su tutto il pavimento, arrivando alle basi degli oggetti tubolari, ciascuno dei quali poggia su un sostegno chiamato "djed" (lo Zed) che Bielek identificò con un isolatore ad alto voltaggio. Ulteriori immagini trovate all’interno della cripta mostrano quelle che potrebbero essere altre applicazioni del congegno: sui bassorilievi si vedono uomini e donne assisi sotto i tubi, come in una postura per creare una modalità ricettiva. Che tipo di trattamento irradiante vi si stava svolgendo? (fonte: Edicolaweb)

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a bullet against man Neanderthal? The map of Piri Reis

Nel museo di Storia Naturale di Londra si trova un teschio datato circa 38.000 anni fa, periodo Palaeolithic, found in Zambia in 1921. On the left wall of the skull is a perfectly round hole. Strangely, there are radial lines around the hole or other marks indicating it was produced by a weapon, an arrow or a spear.

the wall opposite the hole, the skull is split and the reconstruction of the fragments show that the find was broken from the inside out, as it were a rifle. Forensic experts say that may not have been anything other than a shot exploded at high speed with the intention to kill.

About 38,000 years ago had a gun? Certainly not the cave man, but maybe a race più avanzata e civilizzata.

Nel Museo di Paleontologia di Mosca, inoltre, è presente un altro reperto simile, il cranio di un bisonte, rinvenuto a Yakuzia (Siberia) e vissuto dai 30.000 ai 70.000 anni fa, sulla cui fronte è presente un buco circolare.

Un altro caso simile viene citato dal giornalista Victor Louis dalla Russia, il quale riferisce che nel Museo di Paleontologia di Mosca si trova un cranio perfettamente conservato di un bisonte dalle lunghe corna rinvenuto nella Yakuzia (Siberia orientale). Secondo i paleontologi tale specie sarebbe vissuta dai 30.000 ai 70.000 anni fa. Al centro della sua fronte è visibile un foro rotondo che, secondo alcuni studiosi, potrebbe essere stato causato da una pallottola!

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is one of those things that according to history should not exist: "The map of Piri Reis." Piri Reis was born in 1470 in the current Gelibolu Gallipoli. At age 14 he embarked on the ship of his uncle Kemal Reis turkish devoted to pirate raids in the Mediterranean. In 1499 Piri Reis was appointed admiral of the Ottoman fleet. As a result of his travels he wrote a negotiation geography "Kitab Babriye" which reported the location of the bays, creeks, shoals, and the routes in use at the time in the Baltic Mediteranneo He designed in 1513 on a gazelle skin finely tanned a map. And by the notes written Admiral on the sidelines of the document, known by its own admission, that the design was copied from an older map (about twenty) where Piri Reis map has gathered those sources, we can not know. It can be assumed to have been brought to Constantinople, along with many other documents, in a desperate attempt to save them after the destruction of the library of Alexandria in Egypt caused by the earthquake and resulting tsunami in 390 AD The map (most likely a fragment of larger) was found wrapped in a dusty shelf in 1929 when he decided to do an inventory of archaeological finds in the Topkapi Palace in Constantinople (now Istanbul). Only in 1960, an eminent scholar, Charles Hapgood, volle cercare di capire a cosa si riferisse la mappa. Senza specificare cosa fosse, ma facendola copiare dai suoi studenti e presentandola come un lavoro di quel gruppo, spedì i frammenti dei disegni alla Biblioteca del Congresso degli Stati Uniti e alla Nasa, chiedendo se fosse possibile sapere a cosa si riferissero. La prima risposta venne dalla Nasa, e fu stupefacente! Non sono carte strane, sono semplicemente la rappresentazione delle coste dell'America sull'Atlantico, delle coste Africane e della Costa della Principessa Martha della Terra della Regina Maud nell'Antartide com'era prima che fosse sepolto dai ghiacci, vale a dire dai 4000 ai 6000 anni a.C. E ancor più stupefacente, la mappa pare a volte ripresa dall'alto. Chi aveva fatto quei Drawings 4000 years before Christ? And from the bargain? The shape of the coast of Antarctica have been found under the crust of ice until 1949 thanks to seismographic surveys. Also in numerse notes made by Piri Reis in the margin, there is talk of land in which civilian populations do not run naked, adorned with feathers of various colors of parrots, monsters with white fur, and huge snakes. You can see the Andes and the design of the blade, unknown animals in Europe. Official science until then had never dealt with the map of Piri Reis because "uncomfortable". With further research it was learned that the Admiral was a boy she met a sailor captured in one of his uncle pirate raids. The sailor had sailed with Christopher Columbus and told how Columbus consults strange maps other than those previously known. Those that were considered reliable by the Genoese sailor, convinced him to undertake his journey? More maps from ancient to Oronzio fine pattern in 1532 Mercator atlas, show the boundaries of a world that at the time when these eminent geographers and accredited lived, could not be known. It is assumed therefore that these eminent cartographers have had access to very old maps. The World Charter of King James shows us the Sahara desert as a fertile land with lakes and rivers and cities. And Buache World Map shows how Antarctica was a continent divided into two broad islands with a great inland sea as you could see today if it were not covered by 1.5 km. ice. We can dare to think, then, for the avoidance of mainstream science, that these written records, along with numerous and mysterious archaeological finds that emerge in the forests, deserts, and in places far from each other throughout the world are proof that we "modern" we were not the first in the history of our planet, but that a great civilization existed before, destroyed by a huge cataclysm that has erased the traces? So much to support it not only documents we have mentioned we confirm it, but if we turn our attention to the myths and traditions of many peoples abitano il nostro pianeta notiamo che tutti hanno un denominatore comune che preso in esame ci porterà inevitabilmente ad una visione più ampia e dilatata nel tempo della comprensione delle nostre origini.

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The stack of paper in Baghdad

Nel museo di Bagdad è conservato un vaso di argilla di 15cm e mezzo di altezza contenente un cilindro di rame di 12cm x4.
La parte superiore del cilindro è saldata con una lega 60-40 di piombo-stagno e sigillata con bitume mentre il fondo è chiuso con un disco di rame e sigillato anch’esso con bitume.
Nella parte superiore vi è inoltre un’asta di ferro abbastanza corrosa sospesa al centro del cilindro di rame.
Now it is obvious that the similarities with an electric battery is sprecano.Per the record, the pot goes back to 2000 years ago and was discovered by Australian Wilhelm Konig.

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Oronzo Fineo

Charles Hapgood in his search for ancient pilot books, as well as the Piri Reis map, came across a picture of 1531, the work of Oronzio end call, precisely, "the Globe Oronzio Phineus ". This map is the result of copying a number of papers 'sources' and is the coastal part of the Antarctic continent without it ghiacci.In the Antarctic continent is faithfully reproduced and positioned, geographically, perfectly. On it are written down mountain ranges and rivers, which we found to be actually existed, now covered by ice. The inside instead and no representations river and mountain, which indicates that this party, as opposed to the coast, was already covered ghiacci.Il globe End seems to be another compelling evidence regarding the possibility of a remote settlement of the Australian continent and shows him in a time period corresponding to the end of last glaciale.La paper also shows numerous estuaries, bays and rivers, in support of modern theories suggest that ancient rivers in Antarctica in areas where glaciers are present today as The Beardmore and Scott. The drilling carried out in various recent times are to support the view that the Antarctic was once habitable, and samples are rich sediments that reveal different climate conditions, but also there is a significant presence of fine grain, like that which is carried by rivers. In addition, core samples reveal that only around 4000 BC, Antarctica was completely covered by ice.

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Vimana: the ships of the ancient Indian

The Indian emperor Ashoka created the "Secret Society of the Nine Unknown Men": great Indian scientists who were to catalog all the sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret because he was afraid that the science categorized as advanced by these men, derived from ancient Indian texts, could be used to end the evil of war. .. The "Nine Unknown Men" wrote a total of nine books, probably one each. One of them was titled "The Secrets of Gravity." .. Maybe it's still somewhere, kept in a secret library in India, Tibet or elsewhere (perhaps even in North America) ... Ashoka also had to know about the devastating wars which had been used very advanced vehicles and "futuristic weapons" that had destroyed the ancient "Rama Empire" of India, several thousand years earlier. Only a few years ago the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet, and have them shipped to the University of Chandrigarh because were translated. Recently, Dr. Ruth Reyna of the university, said that the documents contain directions for building interstellar spaceships! Their method of propulsion, said the doctor, was "anti-gravitational" and based on a system similar to that of "laghima": "a form strong enough to counteract the centrifugal force of gravity," unknown power of the ego, this in the physiological structure of man. According to the Yogis Hyndu, this is "the anghima" that allows a person to levitate. Dr. Reyna said that on board these machines, which in the text were called "Astra", the ancients might have sent a mission to any planet of men, according to what we read in the paper, which is believed to have thousands of years. It was said also that the manuscripts reveal the secret Antimasking "" the hat of invisibility, "and" Garima "," become as heavy as a mountain of lead. "

Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but then began to believe more in their validity when the Chinese announced that they would use certain data for the research needed for their space program! This was one of the first cases in which a government has admitted to doing research on 'antigravity. The manuscripts did not say with certainty whether they had ever been made interplanetary travel, but referred to, inter alia, plans for a trip to the moon, although it is not clear whether this trip was truly accomplished. [But it is known that the Ramayana describes a battle between Valix and Vimana (flying vehicles) occurred on the Moon .]... One of the great Indian epic texts, the "Ramayana," contains the very detailed story of a journey to the moon aboard a Vimana (or "Astra"), and in fact describes a battle on the moon with a "Asvin" (a vehicle Atlantis). [L '] "Rama Empire" (northern India and Pakistan) .. developed at least fifteen thousand years ago in the Indian subcontinent and was rich nation of many large and sophisticated cities, many of which have yet to be found in the deserts of Pakistan and northern India and Western Europe. Rama existed, apparently, next to the civilization of Atlantis, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and was guided by "enlightened Priest-King", who were the governors of the city. The seven largest cities, capitals of Rama were known in classical Hindu texts as "The Seven Rishi Cities." According to ancient Indian texts, the people had flying machines called "Vimana". The ancient Indian epic texts describing the move as a vehicle Vinamar two floors, with several portholes and a dome, as we propio intangible giniamo a flying saucer. The Vimana flying to the "Wind" and issued a "melodious sound." There were at least four different types of Vinamar: some disk-shaped, others like long cylinders ("cigar-shaped veivolo). .. One of the Vimana described was shaped like a sphere, and was led to a high speed by a mighty wind generated by mercury. He moved like a UFO, going up, down, back and forth like the pilot wanted to ...

The Vedas, ancient Hindu poems, considered the most ancient Indian texts, describe the Vimana of various shapes and sizes, "the ahnihotra-vimana" with two engines, "vimana elephant" with more engines, and other models called martin -fisherman, ibis and other animals with names ... The ancient texts on the Vimana are numerous, and it would take many books to bring everything they say. The ancient Indians, who built these devices, they wrote entire flight manuals on how to drive various types of Vimana, many of them (lyrics) still exist, and some have been translated into English. The "Sutradhara Samara" is a scientific treatise that talks about every possible aspect of the flight on a Vimana. There are 230 verses that relate to the construction, take-off, the way we travel at a brisk cruise thousands of miles, landing conventional as well as those emergency, and even possible collisions with birds. In 1875 he was found in the Indian temple Vaimanika Sastra, a text written by the fourth secoloavanti Christ Bharadvajy the Wise, using even older texts as sources. It was the operation of the Vimana, and included information on manovrabilità, sulle dei veivoli dai temporali e dai fulmini e su come cambiere la propulsione da un'alimentazione ad "energia solare" ad una priva di energia; il che suona come "anti-gravità". Il Vaimanika Sastra (o Vymaanika-shaastra) ha otto capitoli di diagrammi che descrivono tre tipi di veivoli, compresi gli apparati che non possono prendere fuoco nè rompersi. Il testo, inoltre, cita 31 elementi fondamentali di queste macchine e 16 materiali con cui sono costruite che assorbono luce e calore; motivo per il quale venivano ritenuti adatti per la ricostruzione dei Vimana. .. In un'altra fonte indiana, il Samar, i Vimana erano "macchine di ferro, compatte ed eleganti, con una carica di mercurio che veniva sparata fuori, dalla parte posteriore, in the form of a roaring flame. "Another work called Samaranganasutradhara describes how the vehicles were built.

... There seems to be no doubt that the Vimana be equipped with any device" anti-gravity. "Vimana I took off vertically and were capable of hovering in the sky as the modern helicopter or dirigible. .. I was kept in a Vimana Vimana Griha, a kind of hangar, and is said were sometimes powered by a yellowish liquid, and others by a kind of mercury compound. .. You probbile that recent writers on the Vimana acted only as observers, scholars, inspired by ancient texts, and therefore did compresibilmente confusion on the principle that food Vimana. Liquid "white-yellow" brings to mind the petrol, and perhaps the Vimana had a large number of different propulsion sources, including the "jet engine".

is interesting to note that the Nazis were to develop the first jet engines, for their "flying bombs" V-8. Hitler and the Nazi leadership were extremely interested in ancient India and Tibet and sent expeditions to both these countries, every year since the '30s, and perhaps it was from these people that the Nazis gained some of their scientific knowledge.

.. Former Soviet Union scientists have discovered what they call "old tools used for navigating cosmic vehicles" in caves in the Turkestan e del deserto del Gobi. I "dispositivi" sono soggetti emisferici di vetro o porcellana, che finiscono in un cono con una goccia di mercurio all'interno. .. Uno scritto trovato a Mohenyodaro, in Pakistan, (ritenuta una delle "Sette Città Rishi dell'Impero Rama") e non ancora decifrato, è stato ritrovato anche in un altra località: l'Isola di Pasqua!, [dove è] chiamato lo "scritto di "Rongo Rongo". ..

Monday, March 5, 2007

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Stones of Ica

Ad Ica in Perù vi è un fisico appassionato di archeologia , il dottor Javier Cabrera che è in possesso di circa ventimila pietre decorate con incisioni ad oggi considerate senza un senso storico.
These stones in gray andesite (material very difficult to account for its hardness) depict men riding dinosaurs, open heart surgery, blood transfusions, caesarean section and so on.
Professor Cabrera has received the gift of the foundation stones from a local farmer and then became aware of the anomaly of some of the designs began to be interested in these items, and discovered that local people are used to find these stones since 1500.
Unfortunately it is not easy to analyze these objects to find out the date, however, remain a mystery.

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There is a mystery in South Africa. For years, the miners in the Transvaal West, near the town of Ottosdal, continue to find metal balls in a sedimentary layer of the Precambrian. The balls are of two types. The first is represented by simple metal balls of mottled bluish white. The second type of balls are hollow, and inside is a white spongy material. Most of the balls the size of a baseball and the similarity in one of these spheres, is marked by three parallel lines that run through the surface. Up to now, have been unearthed hundreds of these spheres. For their appearance it seems the work of man, but their location makes them go back at least 2.8 billion years ago. Professor A. Bisschoff, a noted geologist at the University of Potchefstroom, believes that it is limonite concretions, but this theory has several weaknesses. The limonite is a kind of iron that is formed by oxidation of different iron minerals. E 'common in swamps and in some types of sedimentary rock, especially in the limestone. The artists know it as a source of pigments ocher and umber. And 'well-founded its tendency to form concretions (the geological term for hard rock masses that form over time around a central core), but the concretions of limonite are yellow, brown or black; certainly not blue with white specks. Is not as isolated spheres, but in clusters, usually welded to each other, and never found on them any channel. Their hardness, according to the Mohs scale, ranging from 4 to 5.5, are thus relatively soft. The metal balls in South Africa are so hard that steel will not scalfisce.Se is not limonite, are made of what substance? According to Roelf Marx, curator of the Klerksdorp Museum where they collected several of these balls, were found in a layer of pyrophyllite. Could therefore be of acidic mineral concretions that? Again, the answer seems to be the right one. If under pressure, the mineral crystals give rise to acidic, non-metallic balls. The pyrophyllite is very similar to talc and is used more or less for the same purposes. Can form granular masses, which are However, greasy to the touch and are very pale. The question of toughness is the final topic: the values \u200b\u200bof the Mohs scale for pyrophyllite ranging from 1 to 2, the lowest ever. But if they are not natural formations, which 'is the origin of the spheres? Their appearance is that of an artifact created in foundries using a special steel hardness for a particular purpose. In spite of everything, can not be man-made. According to experts, the first appearance of modern humanity, Homo sapiens sapiens, dating back about 100,000 years ago, in southern Africa. The place is right, but the time and level of technological development are completely wrong. These early humans lived l'esistenza semplice dei cacciatori-raccoglitori. Utilizzavano rocce, ossa e legno, ma non conoscevano l'uso dei metalli. Anche il più semplice manufatto in ferro era ben al di là delle loro possibilità, per non parlare poi dell'acciaio temprato. Anche volendo ignorare il problema dell'abilità tecnica, la datazione resta inconciliabile. Il predecessore dell'uomo moderno, l'Homo erectus, costruiva i propri ripari nella gola di Olduvai 1,8 milioni di anni fa, molto prima della comparsa dei sapiens ma di gran lunga dopo la comparsa delle sfere nel Transvaal occidentale. Anche il più antico Homo abilis costruiva primitivi attrezzi di pietra (ma non sfere metalliche) tra i 2,5 e i 3 milioni di anni fa: sempre troppo tardi per render conto the mysterious discoveries. In fact, the balls were already in place when the earliest hominids diverged from the apes, in an undefined time between five and eight million years ago! The Precambrian period includes the long span of geological history, ranging from training on the planet, 4.6 billion years ago, early Paleozoic era, about 600 million years ago. The fossil record dating back to this period are rare, but geologists have been able to reconstruct a possible scenario. The atmosphere, first of all, it was probably similar to today: a mixture of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor and oxygen. There were seas and continents, but their boundaries were totally different from today. The World was dominated by what scientists call the supercontinent, primeval land masses that eventually shattered to form the current continents. Life was already on the planet. Algae and bacteria fossils have been found in South African rocks dating back more than 3 billion years ago. Further confirmation comes from the presence of stromatolites, rock structures that form in shallow water, in the grasslands of algae. there was no trace of the presence of life on land and even sea shells - an indication of marine life as we know it today - were still missing. The traces of life more advanced, geologists have found are those of multicellular organisms invertebrates, which are classified as animals, but they are on the evolutionary ladder, a rung below the jellyfish. It is obvious that none of the living creatures of the Precambrian may have fabricated the ball Transvaal.Ma these are not the only strange artifacts that require explanation. Maximilien Melleville, vice president of the Société Académique of Laon, France, reported in the Geologist of April 1862 the discovery of a perfect ball of chalk on a bed of lignite of the Eocene, near his home. the ball and showed the immediate environment of strange signs of careful work. From a larger block was retrieved the ball, which was subsequently released with a clean cut. In other words, an artifact. Be ruled out, as reported by the same Melleville, the ball was placed in the layer in a later period. Once again we find ourselves in the presence of an object that looks man-made, but the ball position in the layer of lignite assigns an age between 45 and 55 million years, well before the appearance of man on the planet. An even greater mystery surrounds the reporting of more recent discovery. In 1928 some Atlas Almond Mathis, a miner, was working deep in a mine two miles north of Heavener, Okla., when an explosion unearthed some cubic blocks, very smooth, with sides measuring approximately 30 cm and that seemed made of some type of cement. An excavation revealed that the next block belonged to a wall along more than 130 meters. The fact that they had been found in a vein of coal in the area gave them an age of at least 286 million years. The obvious question was: who had built the wall? Perhaps the same people who had put the gold chain "of ancient and characteristic bill" in what had become over the millennia the coal vein of Taylorville and Pana mines in southern Illinois. It was discovered by Mrs. SW Culp in a big lump of coal that had broken to turn on his stove.

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The mysterious footprint Burdick

The Burdick Trak is an imprint di piede umana, nel limo del cretaceo, trovato nello strato del Cross Branch, un affluente del Paluxy River in Glen Rose ,Texas, Esso è stato al centro di controversie per la perfezione della figura, ed è stato considerato da alcuni come fosse un’intaglio. Nel 1990 il direttore Carl Baugh e il geologo Don Patton fece una ricerca a largo raggio per verificarne l’autenticità.

Fin dalla rimozione dell’impronta dal fiume molti anni fa, doveva essere trovato il sito originario. Questo venne ricercato prendendo come indizio la struttura morfologica e della composizione minerale originale. Dopo molti giorni di ricerca uno strato di Cross Branch fu messo in rilievo e apparve,come la "matrice" (colore corteccia avorio, grana fine,con incluso calciti cristalline). Un esperto gioielliere tagliò una sottile porzione sia dallo strato Della Burdick Track che dal Cross Branch. Per prova.

Cordell Van Huse, esperto gioielliere di Dallas, fece la sezione dell’ impronta. Attraverso la sezione del calcagno,rilevò la struttura della roccia intorno al contorno del calcagno. Attraverso la sezione dell’area del dito del piede si mostra chiaramente le linee di pressione intorno al contorno delle linee del dito.Questa traccia può non essere stata intagliata e ancora contiene queste fattezze. The Burdick Track è larga16,5 cm e 35,5 cm lunga. Queste dimensioni di un’impronta non sono in contraddizione con quegli individui che abitualmente vanno a barefoot. The length of the impression would indicate that the person may have been 2.13 meters high.

The staff of the Creation Evidence Museum has discovered more than 80 human footprints "in situ" between the footprints of dinosaurs on the Paluxy River. The mark of Burdick, found many years ago, is an original example.

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The imprint of a hand dating from the Cretaceous period

This photo shows the imprint of a human hand found in a rock dating from the Cretaceous period, in the same layer with the footprints of dinosaurs Glen Rose.L 'fossil imprint of the left hand is so precise that shows the effect of fingerprints, the fingerprint connective tissue between the thumb and index finger, and the footprint due to the deep penetration of the middle finger in the dirt.

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This is the affidavit of Frank J. Kennard, (dated November 27, 1948 in Eldred L. Jullie NP My commission expires May 21, 1951 - Benton Co):

"While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Okla. in 1912, came upon a piece of solid coal which was too large to use. broke it with a sledgehammer. This bowl of iron, fell from the center, leaving the cast, or the matrix of the same piece di carbone. Jim Stull ( un dipendente della compagnia) era presente alla rottura del pezzo di carbone, e vide la ciotola uscire da esso .Rintracciai l’origine del carbone, e trovai che esso veniva dalle WILBURTON, OKLAHOMA Mines”

Al Carbone delle miniere di Wilburton è riconosciuta un’età di 295 milioni di anni.

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The oldest footprints

La più vecchia impronte di piede finora trovata fu scoperta nel giugno 1968 da William J. Meister in una spedizione ad Antilope Spring, 43 miglia da ovest di Delta, Utah. Era accompagnato da sua moglie e due figlie, e da Mr. e Mrs. Francis Shape e le loro due figlie.Durante la campagna di scavo inoltre scoprirono diversi fossili di trilobiti. Quando Meister, spaccò aprendo una spessa lastra di circa due pollici di roccia con il suo martello e scoprì l’impronta. La roccia si aprì come un libro, rivelando su una parte l’impronta di un piede umano, con un trilobite nella stessa impronta destra. L’altra metà della lastra di roccia mostrò un altro perfetto modello dell’impronta del piede e del fossile. Con sorpresa, l’impronta umana indossava un sandalo! Il sandalo che sembrava aver schiacciato, un trilobite vivente, era lungo 26,03 cm e largo 8,9 cm; il calcagno era intagliato più leggermente della suola, come dovrebbe essere l’impronta di una calzatura umana.The Meister Sandal Track, è un altro strong piece of evidence that the theory of evolution promoted in schools through the states and the world, does not encourage the "truth" but instead shows that a failure is the very basis of the theory.

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The Hammer of London

The hammer head is long, about fifteen (15) inches and has a diameter of about two and a half (2.5) and from the tests conducted is eventually find that the metal which is composed looks like a pure iron-free bubbles and density variations (such as harder in some ways less severe in others) that even the modern industry can produce. just because of his composition, the metal is not corroded e neanche ossidato, in tutto questo tempo, nonostante gli esami sulla sua età dicono che risale forse a milioni di anni fa.

la prova più importante della sua antichità sono i fossili incrostati sulla superficie esterna del blocco che sono secondo gli studiosi risalenti al periodo siluriano, cioè intorno ai quattrocento milioni di anni fa

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Tulli Papyrus

Il 'Papiro Tulli' fu individuato nel 1934 nel
negozio di un antiquario, dal professor Alberto Tulli (allora direttore
del Pontificio Museo Egizio Vaticano), durante un suo viaggio di
studio, in Egitto, effettuato con il fratello, Monsignor Augusto Tulli.
La complessa e alterna intriguing because in each of the papyrus text of the papyrus seems to be reported in the story of a miraculous event, that
a series of strange sightings of mysterious objects in the sky, which would have assisted the Pharaoh
Thuthmosis lli (1504 - L450, about a.
C .) and many of his subjects. The mystery deepens as the document goes
erasures in the presence of some key points of the text, which made it nebulous its meaning, but among those that the project remains worthy of study and consideration.

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Astronaut Kiev

here is the well known "Astronaut in Kiev," so named by Peter Kolosimo for clothing characteristic cosmonauts or palombari.La statuette is made of gold, has a helmet that completely covers the head, neck up, where there is a sort of 'joint', the 'tuta'parrebbe quilted, divided at the waist with a belt hands and is wearing ... guanti.Viene attributed to Shiite culture (group of nomadic tribes of Iranian origin who settled, between the second and first century BC., in southern Russia).

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716 stone discs with strange hieroglyphic inscriptions

must go back to 1937/38 and go in China's Qinghai Province. In the mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula, the archaeologist-Chin Pu Tei found caves containing skeletons of minute, slender and with the head enormously developed, there is nothing except 716 stone discs with strange hieroglyphic inscriptions arranged in a spiral. In 1947, a British scientist, Karyl Robin-Evans claimed to have reached the mountains above and to have found a hundred people, known as the DOZPA, 120 cm tall on average, lived with them for about six months, he learned the language and customs and was well know that were or considered themselves "original" of a planet in the Sirius star system (after the collision on the mountainous area long before the survivors would have adapted to living on our planet wild ). With a little jump in time, you get to 1960.Il prof.Tsum Um NUJ partially succeeds in translating the inscriptions on the disks, they are horrified and tries to publish his studi ma viene bloccata l'operazione a causa del suo contenuto:le iscrizioni sui dischi,infatti, avrebbero narrato l'"INCIDENTE"occorso ad una navicella aliena su quelle montagne 12.000 anni fa!Riesce comunque a far uscire la pubblicazione, che viene derisa e giudicata senza senso e il professore viene deriso da tutti.Decide di emigrare in Giappone, dove termina l'ultimo manoscritto al riguardo e muore senza che nessuno,ora,sappia dove sia sepolto e dove siano le sue pubblicazioni.Va ricordato che in quella provincia,la popolazione NARRA di questa leggenda aliena e temono che gli esseri "discesi"dallo spazio possano tornare.Facciamo un altro piccolo salto nel tempo:siamo nel 1974.E'l'ultima volta che qualcuno vede i dischi(erano finiti in vari musei,nel meantime). E 'E. Wegerer, which can (helped by the then director of the museum, probably) to shoot 2 at the Museum of Bomp Xi an: weigh about 1 kg, have 30 cm in diameter, with a central hole, are partly sbriciolati.Il period is not the best: from 1966 to '76, in fact, rests on the Cultural Revolution China.

Other "jump" in 1994.H.Hausdorf we became interested in the matter which has come to know and went to the museum Bompo.Stavolta there is a director who explains that the disks and the former director is gone without a trace. Everything can be relegated to the legend? Science fiction? Yet in nov.1995, the Associated Press reported that just over those mountains was discovered a community of 120 gnomes, the highest of which measured 120 cm and 72 cm lower. From the internet I learned that the government had "deported" in recent times these people, perhaps relegating away from the eyes of all their presence and he does not know anything! The village is called Huilong and just a few hundred kilometers from mountains of Bayan-Kara-Ula. Some scientists have attempted to explain the short stature with a high concentration of mercury in soil and that for generations was taken through the water. But it was denied because mercury is a poison that can be deadly but not by changes in the DNA