Saturday, December 25, 2010

Defrost Time Sausages


Merry Christmas to all, not only for post change still exceed the 100 comments!

Greetings JENNIFER oh .. also organize a tournament of friendship during PANAMA SPRING BREAK BOOTY CONTEST!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Nadine Jansen Vidieo Free

La Virtus Lecco augura a tutti Buone Feste

CheSpettacolo! go home in the snow. At the bottom of the train with just a 20 minute delay comes even close to the days when the sun shines. Well to be Friday night and arriving home at 20.15 è anche onesto.
Come va Virtus? Dagli ultimi scambi tennistici di post vedo che il clima è fin troppo teso, purtroppo i motivi sono più che validi: tenerci, crederci e voler fare alle volte fa andar anche fuori giri.
CAMPIONATO SOSPESO, mente da scaricare e troviamo un po tutti la serenità per giocar un girone di ritorno molto più lungo di quello d'andata. Ci voleva, ci serviva, sfruttiamolo.

Le informazioni che restano sospese sono inerenti all'allenamento di lunedi (si/no, orario, dove) e la cena di mercoledi (orario ritrovo, dove).

Ho visto mandrills also a great club that tickle the delight of the maidens Makia singing ballads of yesteryear. Bravo! Homosexuality is going there .. Come on guys! And to help me appeal to Dr.Pantera had given me a few antidotes for his teammates.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Where Can I Rent Gold Gowns

Il Freddo polare...brrrrrr!!!!

winter temperatures remain: rigid, leaving you to -4 ° about the summit.
The intervention of the fun we did a double COLD joke: a match between two frozen forces of class and a shout in an instant has created 40commenti on a day that could get up to 10.

Virtus ... The spirit of all the souls caliente all ready to shoot if he touches his faith for Virtus! As Saturday where the 0-0 does not describe fully the match and the intensity with which he is distinguished even in a Siberian climate.

Next meeting: Bormio. Only the name I even colder.

But at least these days give a strong decrease in temperature, the better ... so it'll be cold!

For the second game of the undefeated Panther ...!!

+1 Bonus Difensivo

SKY: tbd

Friday, December 10, 2010 Registrarse

Virtus Lecco - Cosio

L'anticipo della 14esima vede scontrarsi la nostra Virtus contro una squadra che:

- non ha MAI perso;
- ha subito SOLO 5 goal;
- arriva RIPOSATA dalla domenica passata;
- vogliamo aggiungere altro?

Se non è questo PANE PER LA VIRTUS allora mi chiedo cos'è?!
Ragazzi credo che non servirà neanche mettercela tutta, ma come ogni maledetta domenica ce la si metterà tutta. Cosa cambia rispetto al solito? Solo che si played on a Saturday!

meeting at 18.30 to the Mojito, turn off cell phones so do not get the SMS's nomination for the non-call.

NB: Updated scores and SKY FVL, does not tell you everything I hope you will understand.
PS: the video with the f1g4 will not be sent before the games because there is evidence that makes your legs weak, will be published after the match if the result is non-negative, otherwise noPiluPerTutti.

will delight you with a couple of movies to get the points to the Magic.
Here's call to take Carozzi hair appointment to get smoothed her hair.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dig Irrigation Products

Virtus Lecco - Grosio

Scusate il ritardo ma con l'avvento del Natale, anche i pochi momenti liberi si riducono drasticamente.
Questo non significa che possiamo distrarre l'attenzione dall'obiettivo principe della nostra domenica calcistica: la Vittoria!
Questo evento cosi sconosciuto che manca alla Virtus da ormai tanto troppo tempo.
Natale è alle porte, ma i regali non fanno parte della nostra tradizione.

Servono 11(+3) leoni per ruggire contro il GRRRRRRRosio!


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Film Jesse Jane Streaming

Derviese - Virtus Lecco live on Sky ore 14.30

Tomorrow is the big day, the commencement of the triptych of match that will say who we are and where we go, is also the day when the snow starts to decline (perhaps) on Valtellinese this league.
The adventure really begins in the Valtellina.

VIRTUS What We Do? I start playing?!

Remember the live derviese and Norton antivir (t) ... I want us to get a bronchitis!
will be tough, very tough, are powerful but compact and solidify ... noi siamo la Virtus e questo già ci contraddistingue!

Scusa pantera ma il video purtroppo l'avevo già selezionato, perchè è una canzone che in questo periodo mi piace veramente un bel pò...spero dia la carica anche a voi..ovviamente è un giusto mix di suoni e pilu.


Friday, November 19, 2010

What Does W-ero Mean In Japan

La Pantera è carica e ha fame nella sua corte nova

Ragazzi il pantera incontenibile mi bombarda di mail incitando for boys and insulting the public if not its wildlife and the video today, Sunday, is courtesy of himself.
We can not disappoint him, I do not feel like ... the rifle and the knife Mr.Crocodile Dundee and go big game of the 3 points. Fundamental given the Sunday meetings and the stakes.

I can not load them all at once or I arrived with my legs soft on Sunday, just a taste:

Pantera That takes us well!

Ovviamente PANTERA +2 che può prender un ulteriore +1 se porta davvero fortuna!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Vip Hotel Welcome Letter

The pleasure the fresh mountain air

Non c'è nostra cara e bella Virtus si trova a casa ovunque è talmente Kalamendune, che non ha una casa sua e fatica a far punti tra le mura (fetide) amiche. Tuttavia i 3 punti di domenica sono una manna in vista del prossimo duro mese: Cortenova (mentre le prime 4 si scontrano tra di loro), più un tris di primi di tutto rispetto: bianco, rosso e olive e speck!

Della domenica passata occorre fondamentalmente far Treasure goalprontivia which decided the fate of the encounter, the rest is to be built.

The films were made in a week is easy and binds to a speech Sunday

For the scores I have determined that:

+1 for John Edwards to stop
Espo: "But John how do you go and lose 5-2?"
John "in the car!"
+3 John to travel, mischietta, analysis of statuette given to the game and master blogger
-3 Superminchia to kick a ninja turtle by rotating Friggy (not match)
+1 +1 VikingAlan storyteller
Genzo for going on since Friday night
+1 Dex for filming live football rotating (a short video!)

+1 defensive bonus
+0.5 bonus defensive midfield (I try to +0.25)
+1 goal I try
+0.5 assist?

Ammonite protests and the like?

For graceful in reach pictures of wildlife pictures of Pantera .... MIIIAAAAOOOO!

Worth a respectable +1 I try the following video:


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Please list (s) designed that way! You are all crazy

As he told the dear Blogghettaro hardened "Dex, it's time to change!" and you are absolutely right. So after all, after all said and after that Milan is leading the championship but we are going to trim the pigs ... well we do so, we give the statuette scores (even if they are concerned tapir) and instead of the video figame, we typical scenes di film sa mai..

-0,5 Mirko - ammoniz x proteste (le altre non me le

-1 Dex per tunnel supersonico subito da misterMaffo, reo di aver sottovalutato avversario e ginocchio.
-XX lo definisce LUIS appena vede le nuove foto della Virtus, ti anticipo solo che lo sponsor calzedonia si è preso il 50% delle quote latte della società.


Prima edizione del
"Questo l'ho visto, ma questa non l'avevo mai sentita"

Rubrica a tema con gli episodi della settimana, si cercherà di trarre un riferimento con il titolo del film, la scena e possibilmente anche le parole pronunciate. Vediamo se riesco in questa nuova rubrica. A voi i commenti

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How To Keep A Whitecoat Clean

Aggiornate le classifiche, manca la statuetta che in caso di non-sconfitta si deve assegnare, anche al meno peggio.

Thank you for reporting Perdidor el de lla song (listen especially to refrain 1:11):

the song from the next Friday night ... and I note that the retail 1:39 - Piece of speech and Friggy:

OH HOW I TRY ... '??

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Best Of Brent Everett Online

Aurora San Francisco - Virtus Virtus

"O mamma mamma mamma, you know why I beat the corazon? Maradona I saw, I saw Maradona! Eh Mamma I'm in love!"

Diego Greetings and best wishes to frat'm birthdays for the week that radioBlogTelevisionDexInternational could not go running to the cold and frost in those of the bion field 5.
Nervousness stellar, if I came and the water was cold ... the showers were heavy blows to split the entire bion. Having said this, and what De toh! Let the nightmare nostalgia that brought you the second .. those damn 180 seconds (maybe less) we have divided the instant joy and happiness moderate limes a month and a half later.

know Revenge is a dish that is served cold, so cold you guys in mind ... I want to see run and punished as if we were ever in a final playoffs. The 3 points away is crucial.


RICO EL CHUPA CHUPA! -> Pantera recover the points lost now!

+1 defensive bonus: Dex, Maz, Friggy, Espo, Genzo
-1 malus offensive: Pocho, needle, SuperMinchia
-0.5 malus offensive (replaced by bench): Alan

Friday, October 29, 2010

Jesse Jane Virtual Free Watch


Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Long Do Your Tonsils Stay Swollen With Mono

Lecco Lecco - Delebio

I apologize to the regular visitors of our blog, but I had a lot of things to do this week and the commitment of the charts Wednesday with updates, quotes, insults and so on and so forth was delayed until today. Day will be held in which the nth incotro / clash salvation in the second category.

Personally I do not know anything about these, I am beginning to look at the standings and the preceding week:

seventh, eight points, and 4 suffered 6goal facts. They mark a little? Materialize a lot. 6 goals for and only 8punti say only four goals conceded. We must adjust our defense and start to see us even for the few goals suffered, as well as our own, well known, offensive skills.

Although there is no one deserved the victory that will give you the, sometimes you have to take what is yours. Are you ready to do it!? (Cited)

+1 Pocho goal
+0.5 Tommy Penalty Goal, assist Ilsole
-0.5 Pocho admonition to denudation with goal-post trip

Maffo mega discursive commentary on the course trainers
-2 Brigo for absenteeism and I noticed that did not lead to any virtus Theron (5 training camp with separate changing rooms helps to understand)
+1 to all those who invented Tommy .. I'm afraid to understand who he is.
+5 Dex & Panther (to be split in two) Karaoke piano bar Makia "The harsh law of the goal" Butti
+2 no data yet for the suit declared by juve Fab
+1 uncle pocho the blog without commenting on the suggestion of links (many virtussini still have not understood what the site) - regular supporter
+2 Pantera for "bustinadeiricordistrappalacrimedescrittaconpassioneacenadomenicascorsa"
+1 Dex,Pantera,Maffo,Tento,Tiepolo,Friggy,Genzo x cena post valtellina
+1 Tento,Tiepolo per trasferta attaccamento colori sociali.

STATUETTA: si- mao?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Difference Between Fake And Real Boobs Game

Libertas Berbenno - Virtus Lecco

Signori parliamoci chiaro: perdere può succedere, perseverare è diabolico!
Per darvi un'idea di cosa potrebbe succedervi, eccovi il video che ci meritiamo dopo la prestazione di domenica. Io credo che impegnandoci potremmo arrivar al gioco della Talamonese e alla concretezza e al possesso della partita come loro han fatto a casa nostra.

Now let's take the points on this day that we are entitled to one-way 75km!

(I recommend the second 0:45)

Let's make a lion's share and to take home the prize!
If you want to review more stuff like this:

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Scene Of The Movie Mera Naam Joker

INIZIO ANNO 2010-2011 d.C.


THURSDAY' September 23, 2010


Local Church St. Paul (PT)

How To Make Spanish Skirt

La Nazione - Pistoia - MISSIONE BLUES 2010 Perchè pregare è il vero 'scandalo'

The Nation - Pistoia - MISSION BLUES 2010 because prayer is the real 'scandal'

Thursday, July 29, 2010

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"Missione blues" a Pistoia

Babita Tarak Mehta Wallpaper


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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La Parrocchia di San Paolo organizza:

Iscrizioni entro il 30/05/2010 e comunque fino ad esaurimento dei posti versando una caparra di 100 euro.
I posti verranno garantiti solo a quelli che avranno pagato la caparra

FOR REGISTRATION CONTACT or speak personally to the secretary the parish priest or

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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part of the anniversary of the Holy Crucifix Varano (FG), the monks and some of the young BROTHERHOOD 'Apostle of Jerusalem were invited PISTOIA 15-16-17 day in April to take part in the liturgy before the party of 23 at the Church of the Holy Crucifix of Varano. Sion to take advantage Dell'Occa also meet young people in schools for a catechesis. IPS will be the morning of 16/04/2010, and Piazza in the evening for evangelization.
Sunday, April 18 at 11 am Cathedral Church radio link.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How The Macys Card Work


Parish of St. Paul

CELEBRATION Thursday, 1 April 21.00

Fri ERDI April 2

Saturday, April 3

EASTER VIGIL 12.30 22.00

Sunday, April 4

LODI 9.00
MASS 10.00 17.00 Solemn Vespers

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Are Opaque Leggings Informal?


What is the Perpetual Rosary?

E 'pray the Holy Rosary recited in the 24 hours of the day becomes a great and powerful prayer of blessing for the whole world ed'intercessione.

Because it is a great and powerful prayer?

The Rosary è potente perché non è come tutte le altre preghiere (esclusi i sacramenti che sono azioni di Dio) cioè composizione degli uomini, ma opera di Dio, è Lui stesso che ha desiderato salutare la Vergine Maria con le Parole dell’Ave Maria: «Ti saluto, o piena di grazia, il Signore è con te».( Lc 1,28.) L’Ave Maria è il saluto di Dio a Maria, e noi quali parole più belle e più grandi possiamo rivolgere alla Madre di Dio se non quelle che Dio stesso le ha rivolto? ecco dove si trova la potenza del Rosario si trova in Dio, nella sua Parola.

Cosa viene richiesto a chi fa parte del Rosario perpetuo?

Chi si iscrive s’impegna ad amare la Madonna e a donare a Lei one hour of time per week to be dedicated to the recitation of the Rosary. At the end of the Rosary will have to choose between the 20 and a mystery to contemplate playing a dozen more for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

site for more information:

Monday, March 15, 2010

Nathan Jones Chaki Chan Full Movie

calendar March 2010 AD

Sunday 14 withdraw fish

Thursday 18 "no MEETING"

Friday 19 Mass 21 am St. Joseph (St. Paul)

Hours 18 Florence Vows of Brother Peter

Saturday-Sunday 20-21 withdrawal Sambuca Pistoiese

Thursday 25 Dinner and Meeting, "Peace in the Heart"