Monday, November 15, 2010

Vip Hotel Welcome Letter

The pleasure the fresh mountain air

Non c'è nostra cara e bella Virtus si trova a casa ovunque è talmente Kalamendune, che non ha una casa sua e fatica a far punti tra le mura (fetide) amiche. Tuttavia i 3 punti di domenica sono una manna in vista del prossimo duro mese: Cortenova (mentre le prime 4 si scontrano tra di loro), più un tris di primi di tutto rispetto: bianco, rosso e olive e speck!

Della domenica passata occorre fondamentalmente far Treasure goalprontivia which decided the fate of the encounter, the rest is to be built.

The films were made in a week is easy and binds to a speech Sunday

For the scores I have determined that:

+1 for John Edwards to stop
Espo: "But John how do you go and lose 5-2?"
John "in the car!"
+3 John to travel, mischietta, analysis of statuette given to the game and master blogger
-3 Superminchia to kick a ninja turtle by rotating Friggy (not match)
+1 +1 VikingAlan storyteller
Genzo for going on since Friday night
+1 Dex for filming live football rotating (a short video!)

+1 defensive bonus
+0.5 bonus defensive midfield (I try to +0.25)
+1 goal I try
+0.5 assist?

Ammonite protests and the like?

For graceful in reach pictures of wildlife pictures of Pantera .... MIIIAAAAOOOO!

Worth a respectable +1 I try the following video:



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