Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Best Of Brent Everett Online

Aurora San Francisco - Virtus Virtus

"O mamma mamma mamma, you know why I beat the corazon? Maradona I saw, I saw Maradona! Eh Mamma I'm in love!"

Diego Greetings and best wishes to frat'm birthdays for the week that radioBlogTelevisionDexInternational could not go running to the cold and frost in those of the bion field 5.
Nervousness stellar, if I came and the water was cold ... the showers were heavy blows to split the entire bion. Having said this, and what De toh! Let the nightmare nostalgia that brought you the second .. those damn 180 seconds (maybe less) we have divided the instant joy and happiness moderate limes a month and a half later.

know Revenge is a dish that is served cold, so cold you guys in mind ... I want to see run and punished as if we were ever in a final playoffs. The 3 points away is crucial.


RICO EL CHUPA CHUPA! -> Pantera recover the points lost now!

+1 defensive bonus: Dex, Maz, Friggy, Espo, Genzo
-1 malus offensive: Pocho, needle, SuperMinchia
-0.5 malus offensive (replaced by bench): Alan


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