Sunday, March 15, 2009

Knightsbridge Collection Doll


Oh God, send us crazy!! Oh God, send us the fools, those who are able to expose themselves to those to be able to forget about themselves, those who know how to love with deeds and not words, those who are totally available to the next.
We miss crazy, Oh Lord , lacking daring, passionate, people can jump into the void uncertain, unknown, and every day the depths of poverty and of those who are able to guide people without the desire using it as a stool to climb them, those who do not use next to their purposes.
We miss those crazy, oh my God! Matti in the present, love with a simple life, liberators of the poor, peace-loving, free of compromise, I decided to non tradire mai disprezzando le proprie comodità o la propria vita,totalmente decisi per l'abnegazione, capaci di accettare tutti i tipi di incarichi, di andare in qualsiasi luogo p
er obbedienza, e nel medesimo tempo liberi, obbedienti, e forti.
S pontanei e tenaci, allegri, dolci!!!


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