Saturday, August 23, 2008

Nadine Jansen Und Milena

Chi è e perchè è importante l’Uomo di Altamura

To know and understand that it is first necessary to know when dating and know his place in the changing panorama.

the sole purpose of making more interessante e intuitivo l’approccio alla scienza delle nostre origini traccio un parallelo tra la paleoantropologia e l’astronomia. Nella prima come nella seconda le distanze tra gli oggetti di studio si misurano generalmente in anni, cioè con unità di misura del tempo. Nel caso dei corpi celesti col tempo impiegato dalla luce a percorrere lo spazio che li separa.

Nell’universo le distanze massime arrivano a raggiungere anche miliardi di anni luce, valori troppo grandi per essere anche solo intuiti dalla nostra ridotta immaginazione, ma anche i milioni di anni che ci separano dai nostri lontanissimi progenitori non sono di facile comprendonio.

Orbene l’astronomia si può consider consists of three areas: the solar system, our galaxy and the deep spaces.

The first, although very large (hundreds of billions of km), is infinitely small compared to our galaxy that contains at least something like 200 billion "only" and turn it disappears from the universe to know that contains millions of galaxies.

The human paleontology can be thought of composed of three major fields of study: that of our species of homo sapiens sapiens (so we were a bit 'too presumptuously autoqualificati) from its origins to the threshold of history, one related to other humans 'different' previous (neandertalensis homo sapiens, homo erectus, homo habilis) and that of pithecanthropus (from the greek ape-man) are still considered apes despite some of their characteristics are very close to us and lead us, in reverse over time, to seek our common ancestor and apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, etc.).. The latter would be the high point of our evolutionary pyramid that dates back, presumably, about 10 million years ago. I used the conditional tense because so far not been found.

The Man of Altamura fall in the second sector before us as "wise men of learning" (!) even if it is not yet defined the precise position. After fifteen years after the discovery still does not know when was despite the considerable potential of today's scientific means. Very few have generally classified as Neanderthal, but not others even as preneanderthaliano erectus.

In any case, its importance is huge.

The reason is plain. We have seen that on the basis of present knowledge humanity has evolved along the line of three kinds of Homo: habilis, the erectus and sapiens. The latter two species belong to genus: Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis sapiens sapiens, that is us.

Well the current state of knowledge paleoanthropological there is a paradoxical situation: on the one hand we have a fairly defined or pithecanthropus of Australopithecus, lived millions of years ago, because of the large number of testimonies obtained (over a thousand) allows us to trace their family tree that is remarkably complex and varied, and secondly there is a sort of black hole in a much more recent period that ranges from 600,000 to less than 200,000 years ago because their human remains found there were very few and sparse clues .

were identified several "sites", in Italy, that is dwelling in which primitive men have left their mark at times very interesting, but very few of their bones and little information. In the final part of their existence remains uncertain and largely incomplete.

This long period is characterized by two major glaciations (the Mindel and Riss), the climate had changed significantly and is also the man who changed the beginning it was erectus and eventually, without knowing how, s' sapiens is found!

Seriously, do not know when, how and where Homo erectus extinct giving way to homo sapiens, which first was, as mentioned above, sapiens neanderthalensis and then sapiens sapiens. It 'also known also the birth date of the latter. It 's almost certain is that both have appeared in Africa.

why the Man of Altamura, which according to experts would be living in this uncertain period assumes a special importance.

This explains the big fuss when it was discovered that aroused. Thus one can understand why he rushed to the Altamura Piero Angela (his son Alberto is an anthropologist).

there's more!

Our distant predecessor died in the narrow tunnel in which it was found, his bones are covered with concretions that hide those under and it is argued to be complete: it is then the whole skeleton oldest ever found in the world!

His condition is exceptional: a professor speaking at the first conference on fossil Altamura had to say he had found the presence of very thin bone that normally in cadavers decompose after a decade. If you think that many men fossil skulls have been reconstructed by assembling hundreds of pieces you understand why many scientists have been amazed.

add after again that the abundant existing fauna in the cave gives us a fairly detailed environment and climate in which he lived.

In conclusion, our man and the cave that contains it look like an impressive field that has not yet started to "dig" and who has been abandoned for 15 years. Unfortunately, the only action taken only for touristic purposes with equipment emitting light and heat have caused serious and irreversible damage.

intend to field the large amount of scientific news that the modern media can be obtained and the potential cultural and tourism promotion that, if properly set up, organized and carried out as in the case paesi civili ed evoluti, sono ben superiori a quanto comunemente si crede e infinitamente più grandi di quanto è stato fatto.

Come dettagliatamente riferirò in seguito il nostro uomo “doveva” essere:

  • tutelato;

  • sottoposto a ricerca e studi per conoscerne i segreti;

  • opportunamente valorizzato culturalmente e turisticamente.

Ne parlerò nelle prossime puntate. Spiegherò e dimostrerò come gli interventi effettuati lo hanno irreversibilmente e tragicamente danneggiato, come scandalosamente over 15 years has not been done only serious scientific research and how the few cultural activities and tourism have taken a real grip on .... for a ride.


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