Saturday, August 23, 2008

Will North Face Fleece Shrink

Quel che si sarebbe dovuto assolutamente fare e che non si è fatto per l'Uomo di Altamura

As I wrote in previous articles, from the moment of discovery are born to the cave and the Man our three basic needs:
  • 1, protection, ie protection from human pressure, from mal'intenzionati and any other form of degradation caused by the opening of the cave;

  • 2 ° knowledge, namely research, study and dissemination;

  • 3 ° promoting cultural and tourist development.

The year-end after almost 15 years after the discovery that offers a more bleak:

  • is not only no protection, but it has been devastated in maniera purtroppo irreversibile esponendolo a forti e prolungate luci con conseguente densa formazione di alghe;

  • non è stato fatto uno straccio di ricerca scientifica che tra l'altro non sarebbe costata nulla se eseguita da qualificati scienziati stranieri (visto che non siamo stati capaci di farla noi, avremmo dovuto farla realizzare almeno dagli altri);

  • la promozione turistica attuata? Una tragica farsa.

Ad Altamura nessuno credeva, e crede tutt’ora, a cominciare dagli amministratori, che intorno al nostro grande protagonista si possa promuovere uno strepitoso movimento culturale and tourism.

Few people know that when at the end of '93 spread the clamor of our discovery came forward NTV among others, the prestigious Japanese television who sponsored the restoration of the Sistine Chapel and the Walt Disney; obvious purpose to organize a huge tourist movement while being aware that the precious relic would never have been able to express directly to the public.

Obviously, these big organizations know what they were doing and we knew we, collectively, if we had a minimum of attention, love and reflection on the opportunities that were offered to us by fate.

in the local environment had and you are still convinced that without thorough scientific understanding of the precious artifact and without the possibility of exhibiting to the public the precious bones can not be organized around a consistent flow of tourists to our fossil ancestors.

Let us try to reason backwards: Suppose by contradiction that (it is often in mathematical proofs) that you know now all you can know the Man Altamura.

Famo What?

Let the beautiful museum, where we settle everything what you know with models, casts, animations, movies, etc.. and then we tell people: "Come and see the Man of Altamura !"?... We do this or what?

to this question are all at least as cod or dare ideas confused or crazy.

And even assuming that we face this great animated museum, there would be some idiot who would come from afar, perhaps from abroad, to see him?

It 'clear that the museums because no "ordinary" they are not widely viewed in our country and also because, once dissolved the riddles of Man, will be published articles, Books, CDs and DVDs, movies, etc.. and interested, staying comfortably in an armchair at home, possibly linked to the web, can know and see everything you want.

And even assuming, speaking for absurd that so many people come and see our beautiful museum and mysterious wonders of the Man of Altamura, it would leave with bitter mouth, for not understanding a beloved ... tube on human evolution, on the australopithecines, hominids on, on pithecanthropus ....

In light of the above it is clear that one can not understand and know our human fossil without any idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was the adventure evolution, ie the long and extraordinary journey that has led us to be who we are.

E 'this is the issue to consider and evaluate!

added that, in addition to the discoveries mentioned in previous chapters, there are many other glaring been made in the last 40 years. In conclusion, the Man of Altamura and had to be explained to the public in a big scenario that highlights and celebrates the history of the origins of man that every day is enriched by new discoveries.

If you are convinced this is what comes immediately to the conclusion that were lost fifteen anni!

La grande occasione per Altamura era quella “d’impadronirsi”, con il pretesto dell’Uomo, del tema “ evoluzione umana” e sviscerarlo in maniera seria ed eclatante.

Quindici anni fa c’erano tutti gli elementi per poter partire con la grande esposizione in parola che, progettata e avviata con un lavoro paziente e sistematico, e con una spesa molto inferiore a quel che si è speso per il fasullo anzi dannoso progetto sarastro, avrebbe dato bellissimi frutti già dopo 4 o 5 anni.

Si dovevano consultare persone preparate e qualificatissime allora già note e apprezzate. Faccio per esempio only three names: John Pinna, director of the Natural History Museum of Milan and prolific author of publications and services of interest of the Quark, the famous broadcast by Piero Angela, Carlo Peretto, one of the discoverers of the deposit of Isernia, founder of the museum on and one of the main organizers of the World Congress of Forlì, Alberto Angela, anthropologist, author of the essay with his father, Piero "The extraordinary story of man" of 1989, before the discovery of our Men's and author of services that now we all know.

Once the largest exhibition of Altamura Man is said to have found its worthy place, would have been "embedded" come la pietra più preziosa, sarebbe stato il principale protagonista.

Alla fiera di Forlì, dove si è tenuto il citato congresso mondiale, ho visto materializzare qualcosa di simile. Per dare un’idea, si trattava di una specie di “expolevante” tutta dedicata alla preistoria e alla protostoria con più di 100 espositori provenienti da tutto il mondo. Ho avuto occasione anche di riscontrare quali erano le attrazioni che facevano maggior presa sul pubblico.

Uno degli stand più affollati, per esempio, era quello di un tizio che lavorava, o meglio tentava di lavorare la selce come nella preistoria. Se aveste visto le facce di quelli che l’osservavano!

Well our man flint working and you know how to produce it, then it would not be hard for anyone to learn to do it. There's plenty of flint in the Gargano and then in this great utopian Altamura we could have had exposure to a sector of great interest and, moreover, producer of worked flints and marketable.

ideas how I can do this and you can take out 50 more, it demonstrates the viability and therefore is also confirmed another important truth: that if we had "scratched themselves", ie if the town of Altamura, after conferences, meetings, etc.., had set e portato avanti questo discorso con entusiasmo affidandolo a chi ha veramente prodotto disinteressatamente cultura ad Altamura cominciando dal Cars ed evitando ingerenze di politici, superburocrati e baroni universitari la spesa necessaria si sarebbe ridotta almeno di tre quarti e avrebbe anche dato lavoro e professionalità a parecchi ragazzi.

Ci siamo presi la briga di metter su ad Altamura un istituto professionale per il turismo e si sono sciupati e si continuano a sciupare tante e tante possibilità di lavoro.

Prevedo una ulteriore obiezione: come si fa ad essere sicuri che, una volta realizzata la grande esposizione, verrebbe gente in numero sufficiente da gratificare tanti sforzi? Si fa in questo way: first of all, finally creating a structure valid, credible, efficient, able to create even more enthusiasm or interest as the subject permits, and it is not difficult to achieve the purpose with the media today.

Secondly, once you are sure to show and offer good stuff, it is advertised properly, not only for tourism organizations. For example (teaches Castellana): send to all schools in Italy proper leaflet in which also spoke of the dinosaurs (if we could do something for them), bread and so on. Realizing everything right certainly a good percentage of schools enter the adventurous Origin of Man nei suoi percorsi d’istruzione.

Sollecito ora una domanda: cosa credete che sarebbero venute a fare la Walt Disney e la NTV ad Altamura? Avrebbero aspettato i risultati delle indagini scientifiche per muoversi? Avrebbero tentato di esporre direttamente al pubblico il nostro fossile?

Avrebbero realizzato a grandi linee né più e né meno di quello che vi ho esposto.

Ci diceva un giornalista del Mattino di Napoli venuto apposta per Ciccillo ad Altamura: “Altre nazioni hanno pochissimo patrimonio culturale e fanno una grande pubblicità su quel poco che hanno, noi abbiamo grandi tesori e non siamo capaci di produrre niente di buono!”

I am reminded of what the British were able to do with ... nothing! I speak of the famous Lock Ness monster: you think that they had established a submarine service for tourists hoping to meet the monster, and this in a lake without fish, among other things! And we the monsters (dinosaurs) have them, chased the tourists!

the British are crazy or we're crazy, reckless, ignorant and dishonest us?

Nadine Jansen Und Milena

Chi è e perchè è importante l’Uomo di Altamura

To know and understand that it is first necessary to know when dating and know his place in the changing panorama.

the sole purpose of making more interessante e intuitivo l’approccio alla scienza delle nostre origini traccio un parallelo tra la paleoantropologia e l’astronomia. Nella prima come nella seconda le distanze tra gli oggetti di studio si misurano generalmente in anni, cioè con unità di misura del tempo. Nel caso dei corpi celesti col tempo impiegato dalla luce a percorrere lo spazio che li separa.

Nell’universo le distanze massime arrivano a raggiungere anche miliardi di anni luce, valori troppo grandi per essere anche solo intuiti dalla nostra ridotta immaginazione, ma anche i milioni di anni che ci separano dai nostri lontanissimi progenitori non sono di facile comprendonio.

Orbene l’astronomia si può consider consists of three areas: the solar system, our galaxy and the deep spaces.

The first, although very large (hundreds of billions of km), is infinitely small compared to our galaxy that contains at least something like 200 billion "only" and turn it disappears from the universe to know that contains millions of galaxies.

The human paleontology can be thought of composed of three major fields of study: that of our species of homo sapiens sapiens (so we were a bit 'too presumptuously autoqualificati) from its origins to the threshold of history, one related to other humans 'different' previous (neandertalensis homo sapiens, homo erectus, homo habilis) and that of pithecanthropus (from the greek ape-man) are still considered apes despite some of their characteristics are very close to us and lead us, in reverse over time, to seek our common ancestor and apes (gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, etc.).. The latter would be the high point of our evolutionary pyramid that dates back, presumably, about 10 million years ago. I used the conditional tense because so far not been found.

The Man of Altamura fall in the second sector before us as "wise men of learning" (!) even if it is not yet defined the precise position. After fifteen years after the discovery still does not know when was despite the considerable potential of today's scientific means. Very few have generally classified as Neanderthal, but not others even as preneanderthaliano erectus.

In any case, its importance is huge.

The reason is plain. We have seen that on the basis of present knowledge humanity has evolved along the line of three kinds of Homo: habilis, the erectus and sapiens. The latter two species belong to genus: Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis sapiens sapiens, that is us.

Well the current state of knowledge paleoanthropological there is a paradoxical situation: on the one hand we have a fairly defined or pithecanthropus of Australopithecus, lived millions of years ago, because of the large number of testimonies obtained (over a thousand) allows us to trace their family tree that is remarkably complex and varied, and secondly there is a sort of black hole in a much more recent period that ranges from 600,000 to less than 200,000 years ago because their human remains found there were very few and sparse clues .

were identified several "sites", in Italy, that is dwelling in which primitive men have left their mark at times very interesting, but very few of their bones and little information. In the final part of their existence remains uncertain and largely incomplete.

This long period is characterized by two major glaciations (the Mindel and Riss), the climate had changed significantly and is also the man who changed the beginning it was erectus and eventually, without knowing how, s' sapiens is found!

Seriously, do not know when, how and where Homo erectus extinct giving way to homo sapiens, which first was, as mentioned above, sapiens neanderthalensis and then sapiens sapiens. It 'also known also the birth date of the latter. It 's almost certain is that both have appeared in Africa.

why the Man of Altamura, which according to experts would be living in this uncertain period assumes a special importance.

This explains the big fuss when it was discovered that aroused. Thus one can understand why he rushed to the Altamura Piero Angela (his son Alberto is an anthropologist).

there's more!

Our distant predecessor died in the narrow tunnel in which it was found, his bones are covered with concretions that hide those under and it is argued to be complete: it is then the whole skeleton oldest ever found in the world!

His condition is exceptional: a professor speaking at the first conference on fossil Altamura had to say he had found the presence of very thin bone that normally in cadavers decompose after a decade. If you think that many men fossil skulls have been reconstructed by assembling hundreds of pieces you understand why many scientists have been amazed.

add after again that the abundant existing fauna in the cave gives us a fairly detailed environment and climate in which he lived.

In conclusion, our man and the cave that contains it look like an impressive field that has not yet started to "dig" and who has been abandoned for 15 years. Unfortunately, the only action taken only for touristic purposes with equipment emitting light and heat have caused serious and irreversible damage.

intend to field the large amount of scientific news that the modern media can be obtained and the potential cultural and tourism promotion that, if properly set up, organized and carried out as in the case paesi civili ed evoluti, sono ben superiori a quanto comunemente si crede e infinitamente più grandi di quanto è stato fatto.

Come dettagliatamente riferirò in seguito il nostro uomo “doveva” essere:

  • tutelato;

  • sottoposto a ricerca e studi per conoscerne i segreti;

  • opportunamente valorizzato culturalmente e turisticamente.

Ne parlerò nelle prossime puntate. Spiegherò e dimostrerò come gli interventi effettuati lo hanno irreversibilmente e tragicamente danneggiato, come scandalosamente over 15 years has not been done only serious scientific research and how the few cultural activities and tourism have taken a real grip on .... for a ride.

Put Ur Head On A Different Hairstyle

Superconcentrato delle attuali conoscenze sulle origini dell’Uomo

The Human Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, namely the study of human origins, is a science very recently mainly because of two "taboos" that have hindered in the past, even within the scientific community, the research and dissemination. Questioning the biblical account of Genesis, that is the story of Adam and Eve, and suppose that man derived from monkeys that could not cause a real culture shock.

It was an Apulian the first who "ventured" to publish his belief on the origin of man from monkeys and that is why we put on his skin. He was born in Tauranga in the province of Lecce in 1585 and was named Giulio Cesare Vanini. Medical and Monaco, in 1616 published a paper in which, inter alia, advancing the above argument: three years later, in Toulouse in France, was convicted of heresy and the cutting of the tongue at the stake.

Something begins to move towards the end of '700, the Enlightenment, and above 800. The study of the remains of extinct prehistoric animals and worked flints found mixed with them had already assumed the presence of men "antediluvian" molto antichi, finchè, nel 1856, fu trovata in Germania, insieme ad altre poche ossa, una stranissima calotta cranica umana.

Apparteneva ad un uomo molto diverso da noi che prese il nome del luogo in cui fu trovato, la valle (thal) di Neander, cioè di Neanderthal. Quasi contemporaneamente Darwin pubblicava le sue nuove teorie sull’evoluzione della specie. Nonostante le scontate reazioni negative che questi due fatti e altre successive scoperte provocheranno, era nata, sia pure in ambiente molto ristretto, la nuova scienza che indaga sulle nostre origini e che oggi con mezzi sofisticatissimi e attendibilissimi intravede le nostre radici fino a tempi “profondi” milioni di anni.

German The discovery showed a man with some more strong similarities with apes, but it was still a man!

need to find a true "pithecanthropus (Pitecusa: monkey - Antropos: humans) that is an ape-man that constitute the missing link joining ol'anello, whatever you want between us and other primates.

Science is like good food: it increases the appetite!

Towards the end of the 800 is an astonishing fact. A young Dutch physician, Eugene Dubois, impressed by the anatomical similarities between man and the gibbon, is convinced that these ancient specimens latter gave rise to human offspring. In 1887 he directed in Java because only island inhabited by gibbons and orangutans, and free offers helped dig some of his countrymen. Start early enough to find bones and teeth after four years very interesting and a cap that seems a chimp until it discovers the femur demonstrating its upright position.

He found just what I wanted and called "her" man Pithecanthropus erectus (erect ape man). In practice he had found what we call Homo Erectus although some scientists today still do not consider him a man. Today we know that the settlements of the gibbons have nothing to do with the presence of fossils of this type.

little more than forty years after the remains were found in China's famous Peking Man perfectly similar to those of Dubois and unfortunately went missing during the Second World War.

paleoanthropology finally had irrefutable documents on the origins of "bestial" man in the audience and yet still remained strong resistance primarily theological in nature.

again in 1925, in the "free" United States, a natural science teacher was sentenced to pay a fine of $ 100, which at that time was money, "for having taught in a criminal manner that man descended from a lower order of animals. "

In fact paleoanthropology will remain a field reserved for a few insiders and results will be known only by the public educated and attentive for most of the 900. A state of things at the bottom of almost understandable given that the 1960 men known primal you could count on the fingers of one hand and its fragments, the only scientific evidence on the evolution "natural" human, they were so "heavy" to be able to yes and no fill a couple of cartons.

In 1924, South Africa was also discovered the skull of a young "Australopithecus" which means southern ape. It was bipedal like us and had characteristics intermediate between apes and man. This is the first of a series of pre-human characteristics very different from each other all found in Africa and therefore all called Australopithecus.

Since 1911 a large African region began to attract the attention of paleontologists, that is, students of fossil animals: it is the famous Rift Valley, a large depression over three thousand kilometers long on the east side of the continent that invests' Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania until you get to Mozambique. Over the last twenty million years, this vast territory rich in volcanoes, di laghi e di paludi ha creato condizioni non solo ideali per lo sviluppo della vita ma anche particolarmente favorevoli per la fossilizzazione.

A cominciare dal 1930 i paleontologi Luois Leakey e Mary sua consorte, attirati dagli interessanti affioramenti risalenti a circa due milioni d’anni fa nella gola di Olduvai in Tanzania, si dedicarono ad una esplorazione approfondita della zona che portò nel 1959 alla scoperta di un pre-umano molto robusto da loro denominato Australopithecus Boisei.

Nel 1961 realizzano un’altra clamorosa scoperta: il cranio molto più evoluto del precedente, tanto da presumere la sua appartenenza ad una nuova specie umana, la più antica che si conosca. Eleven years later, another discovery of this species much more complete, this time in Kenya, confirms that the first humans lived about 1.8 million years ago and had a cranial capacity 50% higher than the australopithecines, so would suggest even the beginning of the use of the word. He also discovers that he worked in housing and then had reached a cultural level rather complex. It will be called Homo habilis.

The Rift Valley becomes "the Eldorado of paleontologists and paleoanthropologists. Since the early 60's are organized, especially by the Anglo-Saxons, with large shipments of deployment men and equipment and the results are gratifying: in addition to the aforementioned second homo habilis and many other important findings is discovered in Ethiopia in '74 the now famous Lucy, Australopithecus then the oldest dating back more than 3 million years ago (first name Australopithecus afarensis) and nel'78 Laetoli in Tanzania in a number of bipedal footprints on volcanic ash of extreme interest and the ripe old age of 3.5 million years.

He also expressed some Homo Erectus much older than those we have already experienced in Java and China, it seems almost certain that these, too, like all the others mentioned above have originated in Africa.

Along with the rich documentation of new bone, the Rift Valley has given us an equally interesting and abundant repertoire of tools made of polished stones that have allowed to discover a surprising fact: the first roughly worked stones date back to about 3 million years ago , then prior to the appearance of the first man occurred 500,000 years later!

This shows that some species of pithecanthropus, which we considered to be still monkeys had achieved a surprising level of social and cultural.

The abundance and diversity of the bone remains of Australopithecus found in the Rift Valley and most recently in South Africa resulted in a very complex evolutionary picture punctuated by various genealogical branches that were quickly extinguished.

Their standing could not allow such a speed as to escape the big predators of the savannah: it is assumed that they managed to keep them at bay by throwing stones and using sticks of course remain in compact groups. All animals are terrified of stone-throwing.

E 'already certain that more than a million years ago even the lions, who also live in packs, fearing hominids. Even today, just the mere presence of a child to ward off the lions of the Masai herds.

and Homo sapiens? Based on the evidence collected have existed, according to scholars, both appeared in two subspecies, for a change in Africa. The first in time, homo sapiens neanderthalensis already mentioned, arrived in Europe in a period dating from ill-defined, presumably, to about 200,000 years ago and is extinct for 35,000 years, and the other homo sapiens sapiens to which we belong, appears in the Middle East 100,000 years ago from, as stated above, from Africa, leaving his first tracks in Europe 70,000 years ago almost e. .. we are the only ones not to be closed or better not be "autoestinti yet."