Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sample Welcome New Church

l'esposto di chi si è esposto


undersigned ing. Michele Difonzo former president, a few decades ago, the center Searches Altamura speleologiche and co-discoverer of the Cathedral of the Assumption and the Man of Altamura, The state as follows.

the end of next September, the Man of Altamura, fossil discovered by the prestigious Altamura Center Research speleologiche, celebrating its 15th anniversary. 15 years since, buried for centuries at least 1000, was exhumed by recent explorers have remained, cavers.
Great was the outcry then around the world that face dotted with drops of stone that seemed to want to talk about the many mysteries that still surround the distant planet of our origin.
Grandissima fu l'attesa della comunità scientifica internazionale dei paleoantropologi scossa sopratutto da due peculiarità:
-si tratta dello scheletro intero più antico mai trovato al mondo perchè la morte lo raggiunse nello stretto cunicolo in cui è stato rinvenuto, le sue ossa risultano poco rimosse e quindi si può ritenere quasi con certezza che quelle poche che mancano all'appello sono nascoste sotto le altre e alle concrezioni calcaree;
-il prodigioso stato di conservazione in cui.... si trovava.
Ben presto le ansiose attese degli scienziati di tutto il mondo furono deluse e tradite.
Seguirono infatti quasi due anni di immobilità assoluta per il conflitto di competenze, cioè per il duro braccio di ferro sorto tra la Sovrintendenza archeologica della Puglia (Ministero dei Beni Culturali) e l'Università di Bari (Ministero Università e Ricerca Scientifica): la mano sinistra e la mano destra dello stesso corpo (lo Stato) si misero a contendere e a ostacolarsi a vicenda.
Ben altri fatti ancora più incresciosi e che possono essere configurati reati dalla Magistratura avvennero in seguito. Mi sento purtroppo costretto, per i motivi che preciserò più avanti, al compito non facile di esporre con chiarezza e rigore uno stralcio dal groviglio di eventi e di vicende che riguardano un argomento tanto importante quanto delicato anche per gli eventuali risvolti penali.
Il caso più importante è sicuramente costituito dalle assurde events the esoteric project "Sarastro.
The long dispute between the two institutions of the state ended in August '95 with a difficult delivery macchinosissima Convention which established inter alia a "coordinating committee operations" that produced nothing and was operating chaired by prof. Fish anthropologist at the University of Bari
After about a year and a half the University of Bari, in agreement with the consortium "digamma" which is also chaired by prof. Fish, submitted to the engineer of the Ministry of Scientific Research "MURST" nicknamed the qualified projects for the alleged innovative advanced technologies to be used for scientific investigations on our man. The evident purpose was to get a reasonable funding and expectations of work without tender.
The response prepared by highly qualified technicians and was announced on 04/09/1997:
"The project does not present the technical aspects are sufficiently advanced. Forecasts regarding the use of the results are not sufficiently documented and appear overly optimistic. " He then tried to do
approved by the Coordination Committee operational luckily the operation failed due to unavailability and contrary to the opinion of the other two specific academic: Prof. Broglio and prof. Piperno.
was enough to discourage anyone but there arose a strange synergy between influential politicians, bureaucrats and super professorone University: In September of that year the Fiera del Levante in the stand dedicated to the Man of Altamura the fateful "Sarastro" was resubmitted in full regalia.
forecasts that paper consisted mainly of Man in front of placing a device can pick up the relic with infrared or stereoscopically with zoom lens or micro-macro, etc.. etc..
You could tell immediately that the project aimed mainly at promoting tourism and that it would serve little to scientific research. The images in fact had to be sent to the nearby visitors center with the aim of achieving a kind of "big brother" to see live and networks without our poor man who unfortunately is not laughing, not crying, not sleeping more, and even strips (more naked than this!).
hard to imagine a more cultural and tourist promotion of this idiot.
I soon realized that the establishment of this wretched idea would cause devastating and irreversible damage. I was already almost 40 years of caving experience and knew what was mild microclimate in natural caves and a lot more than it was in the blind tunnel is located in the precious relic. In view of the inestimable value of the find, the place where more than was called for legislation on environmental impact assessment was just that.
Mi ritenni pertanto in dovere di pubblicare articoli esplicativi sui giornali locali e di intervenire alla presentazione ufficiale del progetto in questione nello stand dedicato all'Uomo fossile nella Fiera del Levante.
Spiegai puntigliosamente gli effetti sconvolgenti delle luci e del calore che si andavano a introdurre in quel ristretto e inestimabile ambiente. Previdi la formazione e la proliferazione delle alghe che producono effetti catastrofici corrodendo in profondità le concrezioni ed eliminando definitivamente le loro lucentezza e trasparenza (noi speleologi chiamiamo fossili tale tipo di concrezioni perché il loro accrescimento è da ritenersi ormai concluso).
Per confutare le mie asserzioni il prof. Pesce interpellò lo speleologo Superintendent of confidence, a certain D'Agostino, who asserted that the works of the project would not have brought any harm Sarastro (incidentally the same D'Agostino in 2006 presented a report on the devastating effects caused by the equipment remained in the cave) .
There is a complete audio-video of my speech, about how I was publicly derided by prof. Fish and allegations of D'Agostino. I enclose the registration all'esposto.
To carry out the plan still needed a formal approval and adequate funding. No problem! The municipality of Altamura is immediately made available a grant of two and a half billion and approval of the project after a favorable opinion of the Superintendent General Archaeological which had previously provided technical advice to disqualify the MURST through the simple reason that it considered its responsibility in this regard (the left hand said that what has been done by the right hand does not count!).
And the tender required by law? Needless to speak, not as fools!
The works were completed July 19, 2002. On 31 July (12 days later) went haywire and its cause was attributed to lightning. Since then, the equipment worked very small-gauge, in practice have been running only the lamps placed in front of the Man with the result of doing cover of algae.
All electrical works and plant in question have never been controlled and so meno collaudate e ancora non si sa se sono conformi al progetto e se corrispondono quindi al prezzo pagato.
Ormai tutte le apparecchiature dell'eclatante progetto sarastro sono ridotte ad un ammasso di ferraglia e il Sovrintendente ha già ingiunto al Comune di Altamura di rimuoverle.
Mi auguro che prima della rimozione si verifichi almeno la loro conformità.
A consuntivo dello sciagurato progetto si possono fare le seguenti considerazioni:
− ricerca scientifica prodotta, che competeva sopratutto all'Università, = 0;
− avanzata proliferazione di alghe con danni devastanti e irreversibili;
− due miliardi e mezzo di lire (equivalenti oggi a tre milioni di euro se si tien conto della svalutazione effettiva) buttati al vento. Utilizzati per promozioni serie avrebbero procurato numerosi posti di lavoro;
− mancata applicazione della legge sugli appalti che avrebbe fatto risparmiare almeno un buon milioncino e favorito di più la conformità delle opere a quelle previste in progetto;
− mancata applicazione della legge sulla valutazione dell'impatto ambientale e mancato monitoraggio del microclima della grotta.
Il motivo principale che mi spinge a inoltrare questo esposto è il seguente.
I responsabili del disastro testè descritto conducono ancora le vicende dell'Uomo fossile e quindi tendono, per ovvie ragioni, a ignorare o minimizzare la sciagura delle alghe.
Circola già la voce that plants deprived of light for a few months, have changed color and then are now dead.
It 's the biggest nonsense that we can enunciate!
Algae are one of the greatest miracles of nature. There are over three thousand million years, and thanks to them we have the oxygen we breathe. They have among other survival mechanisms impressive: they can survive decades in the dark and return in full their viability is not in a few days, but even a few hours after they have been restated to light.
The damage caused to the precious artifact concretions can be compared to that produced by sandpaper passed on a car body. The paint, made by nature over of many thousands of years, is no longer recoverable. Intervene with chemicals to remove them is to risk serious damage to the sheet-metal body, that is the precious bones. We are planning
more or less work on the sly just the ones I feared. I think we can make but only if they are designed and followed also by the academic figure dell'algologo and potholing.
If 11 years ago, when the algae had not yet appeared, it had consulted and listened to one of four professors from me then reported, they would avoid all "ste" ruins.
E 'and then with great determination that this time I am determined to prevent other similar and this is the main reason (not only) dell'esposto.
followed by a more exposed to the European Court of Justice (and hopefully the European Commission) on another major scandal.
's what the non-scientific research. Failing in fifteen years (I am a life!) To make one serious investigation (for example, the fossil age of the ancestor) is a disgrace for a country that declares itself civil, is a slap in the world and is also a World Cultural inestimable damage to the cultural and tourist promotion. Since the first conference was told by eminent scientists that at least two thirds of the scientific news could be obtained without removing the specimen and non-invasive interventions or very minimally invasive. For
Moreover many qualified international teams were prepared to execute them ... Free!
Since one year after the discovery we could have had a lot of interesting news!
was all blocked!
There are people in high places who, undisturbed, is unable to produce anything and does not produce anything other pace of the collective good.
I wonder: "How is it possible that, in a community where people, goods and ideas are perfectly free movement, it could raise its so absurd barriers in scientific research in which they do this crap?" Receive the highest damage was just our local community that basically he deserves it because he has wanted to move un dito per tentare di sbloccare la situazione nonostante le mie tante segnalazioni.
La presente è un resoconto molto succinto dei numerosi episodi accaduti in tutti questi anni. Sono a Sua disposizione per tutti i ragguagli che sarò in grado di fornirLe.
Michele Difonzo

Allego il dvd con il filmato che ho preannunciato e un mio articolo pubblicato sul giornale locale “Carta Libera” nel '97 nel quale preconizzavo quanto è purtroppo avvenuto.
In caso di difficoltà di lettura del dvd provvederò a fornirne un altro con diverso e più accessibile formato.

gli allegati:

stralcio del video allegato: alla fiera del levante, nella conferenza sull'uomo di altamura il prof. pesce delfino difende il progetto sarastro e da' dell'ignorante all'ing. difonzo.

stralcio del video allegato: replica dell'ing difonzo, denuncia la concreta possibilità che il progetto sarastro avrebbe danneggiato il reperto fossile chiamato uomo di altamura.

stralcio del video allegato: nella stessa sede il dott. agostini difende il progetto sarastro without knowing the same project.

Eng. Difonzo on local newspaper that since October 1997 provided the danger of the project Sarastro.

immediately arrives at Difonzo a letter bearing the seal of the Ministry! Reg.le by the Director of Cultural Heritage and Landscape Arch. Ruggero Martines message.

the answer here:

Reg.le The Director of Cultural Heritage and Landscape
arch. Ruggero Martines
road Dottula - isolated 49
70122 BAR1
Oggetto: Uomo di Altamura - risposta alla cortese sua n°6022 cl 34.34.01/2 del 15/7/08.

Le sono molto grato per il suo tempestivo riscontro allo schema dell'esposto da me brevi manu consegnatoLe lunedi 14 e subito dopo spedito alla Procura della Repubblica. Mi ha gradevolmente sorpreso perchè è la prima volta, da 15 anni a questa parte, che ricevo una risposta positiva e costruttiva ed è anche la prima volta che mi viene offerta la possibilità di comunicare e perfino di dialogare sui complessi problemi inerenti alla tutela, alla conoscenza e alla valorizzazione del preziosissimo reperto.
In merito ho tre comunicazioni-richieste da farle:
1° Ci sia, at the preliminary stage of identification of interventions to be implemented, the necessary participation and environmentalist speleologist dell'algologo nell'esposto as I explained. After all, the presence, hitherto ignored, would also be a sign of caving in due recognition to the world of cavers to whom we owe the discovery.
do not know his decree, and then I do not know if the experts will participate in question, as I hope, since the set of operations.
2 ° I understand with certainty that the leaders and the scientists in charge of the research were "encouraged" not to talk about the prof. Fish, the project Sarastro and algae. Further confirmation
I had on occasion press conference on Monday: one time, perhaps by accident, was pronounced the word Sarastro. The law
fascist 1089/39 gave excessive powers to the regional superintendents and, in addition some of them have expanded their power at will to the point of remembering the satraps of ancient memory and still continue undeterred despite the change of the law and of the times. And so it comes as to impose internationally renowned scientists to what should or should not say!
E 'desire of some local cultural associations to organize public meetings with experts who are slowly Altamura for inspections and surveys. This is to finally give birth to consciousness and knowledge of our heritage paleontology and paleoanthropology.
would be impossible to do with people who have been ordered to gag!
3 ° When towards the end of 2006 there was finally an awareness of the danger we algae of the Committee for Man and the steps we arranged for the 6 / 12 in a conference board room with two of Altamura Algology University Ancona who had faced the same problem for the caves of Frasassi. If it wished to consult them, calling prof. Jordan and Dr. Mario. Fred Lichtenberg. The superintendent of Taranto, reneging on a verbal promise, and in defiance of the law on the transparency of public acts, did not think to show any pictures of the state it was in the human fossil. He was so frustrated The opportunity to have some relevant information from the two qualified experts brought in specially from the Marche.
The Committee, for illustrative elements, said in a letter dated 02/01/2007 that the Superintendent was granted to the undersigned to perform in the cave of fotoriprese Lamalunga.
He was reminded of my contribution to the discovery, my speleoesperienza decades, my career as a wildlife photographer and the merit of having advocated the formation of algae.
was answered in these terms: "You do not have pictures of Difonzo because we have our documentation."
inform you, Regional Director, who at the beginning of October '93 when I learned of the discovery, even before the cave was banned, I immediately take pictures at our men. To be fair give a copy to the Superintendent who used them extensively in its own use and that its material is also disseminated as newspapers across the world without any acknowledgment about who had provided them to him (see eg. National Geographic).
A minimum of recognition I deserve! From
bigot baciapile what I remember is a phrase of Saint Padre Pio: "Hitting the hand that has benefited is a great sin that cries out vengeance."
Such arrogance can easily define excessive violence. And maybe I was just me to be impressed! The real trouble is that the behavior just described is was systematic, gave very little to the collective good and in fact has produced disasters such as algae, the non-scientific research and many other troubles that will list at the appropriate time.
I hope you will grant me what is ultimately a right that I won on the field and that is the thrill of seeing up close and the distant ancestor of our resume with particular attention to algae. If you transpose this instance my promise to provide documentation from her mouth-watering ... that did not!
How do you not ask for the moon but only the legality and how much should be obvious. The
attach the DVD also sent to the Prosecutor with the movie filmed at the Fiera del Levante, the man in the stand Altamura, in September '97. That person will realize the merits of the exposure on that occasion and the insolence of negligence and nonsense with which it was presented and carried out the project Sarastro. The
attach also my three short articles published in popularizing a few months ago a local paper ... just to let you know how I feel!
I hope that when it finally organized some cultural associations a conference on the great ancestor of ours we have the honor of your participation.
Altamura, 07/24/2008. Sincerely

Fha Funding Fee California November 2010

this is the document with which the town of Altamura asked the press to review the new project to be undertaken for Fossil Man of Altamura.
the conference did not talk at all sel past project (project "Sarastro"), perhaps he was appointed once the Pied Piper. (Sarastro was just the name of the famous fable of the Pied Piper ...)
it 'has spoken of those who have given birth and continued ...
nobody would have expected a man with a certain age on their shoulders and make common ground could eventually distribute a press conference that two sheets containing the complaint to the courts after a few days was shipped on time and without means terms no one wanted to describe what he was saying ...